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Tweet HAPPY 8TH ANNIVERSARY TEA PARTY MOVEMENT! On December 16, 2007 the first tea party was held when small groups of liberty activists tossed boxes of ‘tea’ emblazoned with issues in harbors and lakes all across America. NH and Mass activists came together and held a joint rally at Boston’s Faneuil Hall where many liberty […]

Dissecting the Iran Agreement

Tweet Rejecting the Iran agreement will cause the US further isolation by Jim McConnell The Iran Agreement is in America’s best interest and represents an opportunity for our country to extricate itself from a region of the world that the record makes clear we don’t begin to understand. The Iraq War, identified in advance by […]

Female Trump Supporter Makes Anonymous Rant Call to Hotline

Tweet Editor’s Note: Paula Johnson is NOT one of our members and does NOT work for this organization. You have to wonder who is worse when it comes to innappropriate language and behavior — Trump or his supporters? Here is one Trump supporter who left an angry, profanity-laced rant on the NH Tea Party hotline […]

NH Civilians Take Up Arms to Protect Public

Tweet Apparently since despite the increased spying, data collection, and gun grabbing that has been going on in the name of fighting “terrorism”, our own government agencies, namely the FBI and DHS, cannot seem to foil attacks from lone gunmen even when they KNOW they are going to happen. Also, not lost on the public […]

What is the UN Doing Here?

Tweet Can we agree that the United States is intended to be a sovereign entity? Can we also agree that the United Nations has no business in meddling in the domestic affairs of this nation? They are not a government, they are not OUR government, they are a special interest group with an army. No […]

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