Feds Now Murdering People Over Agenda21/2030

Connecting the dots to Agenda 21/2030 and “rural cleansing”, and the subsequent eradication of the constitutional republic, to be replaced by globalism and one world, centralized rule by banks and corporations.

In the past we’ve often had a hard time convincing people who should know better that…

1) Agenda 21/2030 (and the renewed push for the UN’s Millennium Development Goals) is not a conspiracy theory,

2) it is based on environmentalism as an emotional hook to get people to join the push for countries to contribute to the global redistribution of the wealth,

3) it is for the purpose of establishing central control over the masses — the unifying issue whose end is a one world government, and starts with eradication of local control via “regionalism”.

Yes you read that right — those of you who thought the UN’s environmentalism was just a wacky cult-like passion, think again.

Our government is fully invested in the UN agenda which is being used to corral and control people.

How so? Well let’s begin with recent events such as how

– BOTH Democrat and Republican Senators from NH, and other Republican Senators who are running for president, recently voted to prop up the aforementioned agenda, by voting for this budget which included the money for the UN’s global climate fund.

“The United States has paid $500 million into the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund, the first tranche of the $3 billion it pledged as part of the commitments it made in the December Paris Climate Agreement, the State Department confirmed Monday.”

The idea originated at the UN’s Earth Summit held in Rio De Janiero in 1992. Maurice Strong was a factor in creating the global warming “bogeyman” and the necessary restraints that would be needed to stop it.

– Rural Cleansing is now killing people. Land use rights and property rights are being curtailed by something called “regionalism” which is explained here.

– HUD and DOT grants are being given to towns and cities but with “strings”. These strings are that federal agencies will determine your local zoning and planning as towns will have to obey decrees such as the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act to the detriment of local control. This is nothing more than social engineering geared toward more spreading the wealth.

– Federal ownership of land was supposed to be limited, but as we have seen in NH, the potential for the land grabs proposed by the Silvio Conte National Wildlife Refuge, the feds have already broken NH state laws.

– NH’s regional plan (Granite State Future) suggests that development in rural areas is to be left to the bureaucrats to what is “suitable”. Private ownership is not mentioned!

Now you know why, wherever the UN is involved, there is murder, ethnic cleansing and worse…

Below is a disturbing video of the murder of Robert Lavoy Finicum which will prove beyond question that while government claims these folks were “trespassing” on public lands and wanted them to leave, Finicum was shot in cold blood for doing just that.

Further, you will see in this video that women and children inside his truck who were no threat and begging to have them stop, were continually bombarded with round after round from high powered rifles, and at one point, even while the child was exiting the vehicle, the rifle’s laser was pointed directly at her head in preparation for a shot!

So, these criminal agents were ready to blow the head off an innocent child, for TRESPASSING.

WARNING: Video is graphic and depicts the cold-blooded murder of a man by the FBI and an Oregon State Trooper (whose name shall be redacted for now) who could perhaps have simply been charged with “trespassing” if anything, while he was leaving the area to meet with a sheriff…

If the above video does not appear on your device, use this direct link:

Yesterday a judge ruled that NH resident and former USMC Jerry DeLemus is to be held without bail until his trial and will be shipped out to Nevada for said trial within the next 24 – 48 hours.

When are people going to connect these dots?