Why Occupy is NOT the Tea Party

Tweet Ten reasons why Occupy movement CANNOT be compared to the TEA PARTY 1) The tea party obtains permits and goes home at night; doesn’t leave a place filthy 2) The tea party is not funded by Rockefeller, Carnegie or Soros foundations, or anyone else 3) No one ever got arrested at a tea party; […]

Crazy lefty blogger runs with bogus story about David Koch and Tea Party

Tweet Put up or shut up! It’s amazing what passes for news today, especially news based on total speculation and extrapolation. Take for example a certain climate hoax-enabler who runs this blog Climate Progress. You’d think he’d have checked his facts before he proclaimed that “David Koch…has bankrolled groups organizing the Tea Parties.” It just […]

Beware of FAKE Tea Parties

Tweet There has been a lot in the news about Florida and Michigan and fake tea parties. By this we mean candidates who are not conservatives posing as tea party candidates, or people who have actually attempted to register the tea party as a political party along side of Democrats and Republicans. Please do not […]

Alternet: The Tea Party is organized, well-funded and dangerous

Tweet To Don Hazen: If you wrote this article as a piece of humor, you have succeeded. The pseudo-seriousness and drama of this article makes for a very funny headline especially when you consider that it has only been peaceful tea partiers who have been subject to left wing reactionary violence, fake accusations, and hate […]

Socialist Party Poses as Tea Party USA

Tweet Nassau County Tea Party Albany NY intercepted some fake tea party literature from the Socialist Party USA. Could this be any more amateurish the article states?

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