Alternet: The Tea Party is organized, well-funded and dangerous

To Don Hazen: If you wrote this article as a piece of humor, you have succeeded.

And they think Tea Partiers are kooks?

The pseudo-seriousness and drama of this article makes for a very funny headline especially when you consider that it has only been peaceful tea partiers who have been subject to left wing reactionary violence, fake accusations, and hate speech. For example, no tea party member has ever beaten up a black man because they didn’t like the flags he was selling… but heck, who’s talking about facts? Not you.

According to Don Hazen at Alternet…

Dangerous Brew: Dismiss Extreme Right-Wing Tea Party Ideas at Your Peril
The Tea Party is organized, well-funded and dangerous. Read what you can do about it.

Since Alternet eventually blocks commenters who disagree with them or commenters who attempt to correct falsities such as the erroneous ‘well funded’ statement (typical left-wing tactic) a rebuttal will be posted here.

We’re sorry Alternet, but we have never heard of David Koch. Money? The NH Tea Party Coalition, first of its kind in the nation, does not deal with money. And, the tea party is only ‘dangerous’ to those who of late have been recommending nothing short of a dictatorship. And they have the nerve to accuse freedom lovers of dreaming of a plutocracy?

Dick Armey did not create our tea party, nor does he control it. If he does, I’d like some proof and at least one example of just how he does this please? He may be a cheerleader for similar causes, but is that not his right? Oh wait, conservatives have no rights… gotcha.

The definition of plutocracy is a government run by wealthy elitists. It is ironic that those who ‘run’ our government, yes, those wealthy elitists, such as the Rockfellers, Soros, Goldman Sachs, Kissingers, and Brzezinskis of the world, are Obama’s very puppetmasters. Do these ignoramuses commenting on the Alternet article not understand that a plutocracy is what they now have, and has been even more enabled, under the current administration?

Commenters with names like CapitalismSucks (no question where HIS loyalties lie) throw out the usual cliches about rich Republicans (actually the Democrats have long since taken over the “party of the rich” label) working for corporate interests… apparently without a clue as to who controls and directs Obama’s agenda.

And if history is repeating itself, the progressive movement is the one that should be looked at for the dire consequences of its policies, not a movement that wants less government, less taxation, less control over what the masses can and can’t do, and less deficit spending! Movements do not enslave people, governments and their tyrannical leaders do that. Movements do not start wars, governments and their tyrannical controllers do that. And so it goes…

To these folks like Hazen, upholding the Constitution, which calls for very limited power over the people, is ‘extreme’. You gotta love it.

At least Hazen, decidedly a drama queen, is quick to admit the success of the movement:

The insurgent Tea Party movement, supported by its many pals in the radical right, is moving like a brushfire through American politics.

The premise, flawed as it is, is predictably anti-capitalism; Hazen then uses BP as an example of the problem, and in the spirit of not letting this perfectly good ‘crisis’ go to waste, asks for money:

The Tea Partiers’ long-term goals are nothing short of dismantling our government, privatizing and reducing fundamental programs like Social Security and Medicare, and putting the corporations in charge — a frightening prospect in this day and age (think BP).

The article goes on to say that it will use the money to investigate the tea party’s ‘extreme’ ideas:

As the new spearhead of unfocused and often hateful anger emerging from the conservative grassroots, the Tea Party encompasses the full range of extreme ideas.

We still have not reconciled the idea that reducing government encourages fascism, which is what Hazen seems to suggest, but in the twisted mind of the left, anything is possible.

Hazen goes on to complain about the ‘conservative’ media. Just because Fox News and a few talk show hosts don’t fall in line with the rest of the state-controlled media in pushing the far left agenda (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNBC, MSNBC, etc) and happen to recognize and understand and support the people’s RIGHT to participate in the tea party, what should be done? Is Hazen suggesting that media be restricted and controlled, even as we know attempts are being made to do just that? Does Hazen consider Congressman Pete Stark or MSNBC’s Ed Schultz obsession with ‘peeing’ on the opposition, ‘hateful’? You have to wonder.

Hazen once again appeals to readers to help them “ferret out the truth”. But there are none so blind as those who will not see. Not one word is said about the violence promoted by the left, who with this administration’s help, and the drumbeat of the fawning media, are rapidly putting into play a raft of dangerous ideas that are dismantling our country piece by piece and handing it to foreign enemies in the name of ‘equalization’.

Hazen and progressives, are you not embarrassed yet?

Apparently Alternet has no problem with the dangerous and often violent leftwing cadre of groups like OFA, ACORN, SEUI, and other “progressive” groups that are well-funded by foreign nationals like George Soros. Soros’ goal is to take down capitalism, and our form of government, and the agenda of the groups he funds is to be spread by their infiltration of every organization, even down to our most local town meetings.

And to further prove our point, we’ve already posted video proof that William Ayers once sat around planning how to put people into Communist concentration camps, and here is a video where Chris Matthews admits to being a Marxist, and they accuse US of wanting fascism???