When Leftists Attack…

There has been a lot of talk about violence lately after the rally at Charlottesville turned ugly. The left has often accused us, the original tea party, of having a violent past when we have not only had a 100% clean slate here in the state of NH, but have remained cool in the face of a physical attacks.

After reading a story in the Concord Monitor about Democrat Katherine Rogers and gun-rights activist Susan Olsen we can only say that in the past, when leftists wanted to accuse someone of violence, they usually tried to initiate it. Case in point, the 2009 rally against Affordable Health Care at the Obama town hall in Portsmouth, NH.

William was open-carrying (which was his right) at the outdoor section where protesters were assigned, when out of state leftists disembarked from their buses, and proceeded to approach him, then spit in his face as well as in the face of the videographer. The leftist then caught sight of William’s gun, thought better of what he was doing, and ran. We are proud to say that William never flinched, never even made a move toward his gun, keeping his cool even in the face of obvious provocation.

Later William never advised interviewer Chris Matthews of the attack and deflected any attempts by the TV host to make him look like the crazy one.

Direct link to video of attack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUxjahek0f8&t=0s

Direct link to TV interview: https://youtu.be/AYUmCj4yud4

A little bit of history, worth remembering.