Land Rights Rally February 3

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Contact for this event:
Hon. Bob Giuda at 603-764-5869 (office) or 603-219-9643 (mobile)
Hon. Anne Cartwright at 603-756-3781

For Immediate Release:

Statehouse Property Rights Rally February 3
Sponsored by
Hon. Bob Giuda, former Deputy Majority Leader of the NH House;
Hon. Anne Cartwright

Hon. Bob Giuda and Hon. Anne Cartwright will sponsor a rally at Noon on Wednesday, February 3rd outside the N.H. State House in Concord to protest increasing federal acquisition of private lands in NH. Both the U.S. Constitution and NH laws contain restrictions on such acquisitions. Concerned citizens are being invited to challenge elected state and federal office-holders to uphold the U.S. Constitution and to comply with New Hampshire laws.

Speakers will include Hon. Bob Giuda, former Deputy Majority Leader of the NH House; Hon. Anne Cartwright, long-time champion of private property rights regarding Silvio Conte National Wildlife Refuge; NH Rep. James McConnell, sponsor of legislation to enforce current federal and state laws protecting NH property owners; and affected landowners, including Robert Lord of Errol regarding the Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge. Other elected officials and citizens will also likely be speaking.

Citizens of NH are asked to come and show support for the U.S. Constitution, for New Hampshire laws, and for landowners whose property rights and livelihoods are threatened by these federal acquisitions.