Tom DeWeese on Global Police in America

Outrageous! Obama is bringing a UN Global Police Force onto American soil
Before you do another thing please sign the URGENT appeal to new House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Here’s why this is so URGENT!

Barack Obama has just committed the most outrageous, shocking and dangerous act of any president in the history of the United States!

And if he is not stopped NOW we will lose our nation forever.

I do not use those words carelessly.

Here are the details:

Just days ago, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch made a deal to bring a United Nation’s police force into our country.


Why? To control “Right Wing Violence.”

This is absolutely outrageous.

1. Obama has thrown open our borders to a mob of illegal aliens who are infesting our cities, ignoring our laws and culture and jamming our schools, hospitals and welfare rolls. They will bankrupts us! Obama ignores the danger.

2. Obama is encouraging an army of Muslims to invade our nation and endanger the very lives of our citizens. Obama ignores the threat.

3. The radical, racist movement calling itself “Black Lives Matter” are pledged to kill police officers on sight – and several have already died. Obama ignores these criminals.

But now, Obama is inviting a Global Police Force from the UN to control “Right Wing Violence!”

In case you don’t know who the target is – it’s you and me!!!

You see, Obama’s definition of Right Wing Violence is our opposition to illegal immigration, Agenda 21, massive overspending, abortion, and our support for Constitutional Government.

That’s what he calls violence against his administration.

I’ve warned you many times about the danger of the Department of Home Land Security (DHS) that works directly with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). I’ve detailed how the SPLC has worked to help DHS create special reports defining “Domestic Terrorists.”

First there was the DHS report entitled “Right-wing Extremism” that specifically said these so-called extremists were those “rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority.” That of course is exactly what is called for in the United States Constitution.

But Obama calls those who advocate such ideas “extremists.”

Second, there was the DHS report called the “Domestic Extremism Lexicon” that listed anyone who opposes free trade programs, abortion, same-sex marriage, illegal immigration, global governance, loss of U.S. manufacturing to overseas nations, and much more – to be potential Domestic Extremists!!

I have put out these warnings for years.

I have been openly listed on DHS lists and in SPLC reports as a Domestic Extremist.

How many of those things on the above list do you believe in? Name just one and you are now a target of Obama’s drive to do away with you.

Over the years, as we have issued warnings about this danger, many have asked how it could possibly be done – how could the government take way our right of free speech and – worse – actually arrest us for having these ideas.

Now we have the answer. Obama is bringing in a global police force through the UN.

This is a global program called the “Strong Cities Network” and already several mayors from some of the world’s largest cities, including New York City and London, have signed on to have this UN police force come in.

The UN Non-governmental Organization (NGO) that is in charge of this program is called the Institute for Strategic Dialog and it has produced detailed reports to fight what it calls “Far-Right Extremism and Intolerance.”

Can the purpose be any clearer?

It must be stopped NOW – before a single UN policeman steps on American soil!

That’s why it’s so URGENT that you sign the enclosed appeal to new House Speaker Paul Ryan to demand that the U.S. Congress take immediate action to stop the Strong Cities Network from Coming to America’s cities.

Nothing is more important than stopping Barack Obama’s efforts to install a UN police state.

Speaker Ryan needs to hear from thousands of outraged Americans demanding that Congress take every action possible to stop this UN invasion of our cities. And to stop its threat to legal, concerned Conservative Americans who just want our government to live by the Constitution – the law of our land.

Signing this appeal to Speaker Ryan is the most important act you will ever take to preserve our freedom.

If this UN Strong Cities police force is allowed to enter America, you will never again be able to speak out against government policies without facing arrest!

You have stood with me in my fight to expose the Southern Poverty Law Center. This battle against the Strong Cities Network is a new chapter of the SAME fight. Only now it’s much more dangerous to our future than we ever thought possible.

This is a terrifying step Obama has taken. And we MUST stop it.

I have been in the forefront of this fight for several years. I’ve tried to warn Americans about the threat of the far left and its attempts to label us all dangerous extremists. Now you can see why I was so concerned.

Donations may be made to Tom by going directly to his website and signing the petition. You need not make a donation to sign.