The Day of Infamy – Facts You Were Never Taught

The Day of Infamy – Facts You Were Never Taught

Douglas Dietrich is a Veteran who experienced the 1991 Kuwaiti Campaigns of Operation: Desert Shield (1990) and Operation: Desert Storm (1991) as a U.S. Marine after his initial eight years of experience as a D.O.D. (Department of Defense) Research Librarian at El Presidio Real de San Francisco Military Base – where the United Nations was founded On-Site at the height of WWII (January 1, 1942, just three weeks and three days after the Preemptive Japanese Surgical Strike on Pearl Harbor [Dec. 7, 1941]). There, along with his Primary Duty of Document Destruction, he was assigned to locate and access incredibly rare occult grimoires for the officially recognized Satanic Chaplain of the United States Army: Lieutenant Colonel Michæl A. Aquino (b.1946—Ret.: Col.).

As a Department of Defense Research Librarian, Mr. Dietrich was responsible for document destruction before he was even of legal age. As assigned liaison to the U.S. Sixth Army’s officially-recognized Satanic Chaplain, Douglas personally witnessed multiple diabolic rituals; ultimately intervening decisively himself in the largest child sexual-abuse scandal in modern history.

Read his full bio here:

Dietrich was instructed to shred thousands of documents but instead, saved and studied them.

The New World Order agenda became apparent to the politically astute after the bankers illegally took over our monetary system in 1913, and began manipulating not only our money system but orchestrating our wars, wars that were initiated on false pretenses. War is currently seen as the mark of the NWO and being waged for the benefit of the global elitists bankers.

Douglas reveals this to be true, among other things…

The attack on Pearl Harbor was not a suprise attack.
It was connected to the liberation of the Hawaiian Islands.
It was connected to Japan’s oil dependency on America.

Franklin D Roosevelt thought he could get America out of depression by starting a war
The pentagon was built to manage the largest war the world had ever seen
Ground breaking was September 11, 1941 with September 11 being a significant date to the elites for their false flags to this day.

Charles A. Lindbergh spoke out and said the building of the Pentagon to support a new war represented the NWO, and an agenda which must be resisted.

We all know what happened to Lindberg’s family.

FDR confiscated gold with no remuneration to the owners.

Many Italians and Germans were also interred with the Japanese under Presidential Directive 9066 which made confiscation of property and internment constitutional per the supreme court via actions of the Office of Alien Property (OAP) even before the Patriot Act or the NDAA indefinite detention provisions.

Thanks to PDD 9066, if you are overseas and a war breaks out with that country, you are automatically divested of your citizenship and therefore fair game to be killed, including any citizens who were born in the USA.

John McCain was telling the truth when he said he met with ISIS. McCain is a major stockholder in the Israeli company known as ISIS.

Nikola Tesla had refused to work for the government and was consequently targeted by the government in that they revoked his citizenship. After his death, all his materials were confiscated.

Listen to this revealing interview with Douglas Dietrich from December 7, 2014 for a mere fraction of his accrued knowledge. You will need a subscription to C2CAM.

You will never think of Pearl Harbor Day the same way again.