Rinos vs the Tea Party

The George Soros-funded Republican “Main Street Partnership” group planned a strategy session to stymie Tea Party Candidates and conservative Republicans of the ilk of Ted Cruz or Mike Lee by the current Republican Leadership. The likes of John Boehner and Eric Cantor are put on notice during this Press Conference by Conservative Republicans and Tea Party leaders in Florida.

Note: There really is no such animal as a ‘tea party candidate’ as the tea party does not endorse or engage in campaigning, but the tea party consists of those who ARE and support true conservatives, patriots and paleo-republicans who believe in non-interventionism, sound money, anti-IRS and Fed, the sovereignty of the country and of its individuals, and secure borders, all of which are apparently a thorn in the side of the Karl Rovians and Scott Browns of the world.

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Those of us in the ‘real’ tea party have been fighting the two party perfidy for YEARS. Some of the johnny-come-latelys in the movement have copied the things we’ve been saying all along.

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