If 404-947-7500 Calls, Don’t Pick Up!

According to our research this number 1-404-947-7500 which has been calling and calling several of you in NH, is the fundraising number for a group known as ‘Tea Party Patriots’. This group was founded in 2009, a good two years after the good folks in NH and Mass helped start the legitimate movement known as the tea party.

These groups had nothing whatsoever to do with the formation of the ‘tea party’ movement although they may have heard about it from Rick’s rant in 2009.

They are of course looking for money, but don’t give them any. The real tea party will never ask you for money and does NOT have an office in DC. It does not endorse candidates either.

They have already scammed good conservatives out of $6M dollars in 2013, and not a cent has gone to any tea party. They do however, pay their GOP consultants and founders huge salaries and maintain an office in DC.

According to FactCheck.org

“By the end of 2013, the fund reported having raised $6.4 million, of which $4.7 million came in unitemized donations of less than $200. But it made no donations to any political candidates during the year, and reported no independent expenditures either opposing or supporting any candidate. Meanwhile, it spent $5.3 million in fundraising costs and other “operating expenditures,” including $15,000 in regular monthly payments since July to its chairman, Jennifer “Jenny Beth” Martin, the suburban Atlanta woman who is president and co-founder of the parent Tea Party Patriots group.”

These so-called 2009 ‘tea party founders’ (Martin, Meckler, Kremer, Russo, Philips, Cefaratti and some players on the religious right) continue to scam people out of money by using the name of our movement… don’t give them any.