Gun Control Bill FAILS

Last week, the gun background check bill was killed in the NH House but Hampton Falls State Rep Elaine Andrews-Ahearn (D) and out-of-state advocates who wrote the bill say they won’t give up.

A woman who attended the hearing on HB 1589 expressed her dismay over the treatment of the bill’s opponents.

She tells NHTPC, “I was at the Statehouse today to support HB 1589 ITL.
A well-dressed member of the so-called “gentler sex” spoke directly to me as I was leaving, saying ‘We tried as hard as we could’. Then she saw the
yellow sticker I wore that bore the words ‘HB 1589 ITL’ and she exclaimed “I hate you!”
She said it reminded her of another time when she was at the statehouse supporting a farmer’s property rights, when a woman pointed towards her chest and said “you hate women…”.

It is pretty shameful when residents of Connecticut travel to NH, a place where there is no gun violence problem to support a bill written by the Bloomberg gun confiscation lobby.

HB 1589 was written by Connecticut’s Newtown Promise organization and New York’s former Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, working with a small NH group called New Castle Promise, NOT by mandate of the majority of people of New Hampshire.

NH second amendment advocates should not get too comfy however, we still have SB 244 to defeat.

Bloomberg is confident that gun confiscation will become a reality after amnesty creates 13 million new Democrats.