Why Do Liberals Love Corporate Common Core?

Common Core is the Product of Billionaires, Yet Liberals Side with Koch Brothers

The Union Leader article, “Common Core debate fires up crowd” of February 6, 2014 which came in the wake of the anti-Common Core press conference lead by Rep Jane Cormier: http://www.unionleader.com/article/20140206/NEWS04/140209356

Here is video of Commissioner Barry’s biting 10 minute testimony to the House Education Committee, throwing the public under the bus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Hd2FvFhfoY

Commissioner Barry dismisses her opposition as “a small, loud, misinformed group of individuals who continue to distort information regarding Common Core State Standards.”

The public is not “misinformed,” they were deliberately “uninformed.” There’s a big difference.

Rep. Jane Cormier’s Press Conference on the Overreach of the NH Department of Education: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqyIYPx6Jwg&feature=youtu.be

Here is text of the Press Conference: http://nhfamiliesforeducation.org/content/press-conference-nh-department-educations-overreach

Who authorized the “Commissioner’s Extended Cabinet” of five Regional Liaisons tasked with the implementation of Common Core in each and every district in New Hampshire without the knowledge or consent of the people, their school boards of the legislature? (There is that word, ‘regionalism’, again)

From the NH Flexibility ESEA (No Child Left Behind Waiver) application, on page 31, there is a description of NH’s Implementation Team, which explains how CCSS was implemented without adequate transparency for this process either.

“The five regional liaisons are the newest addition to the support and outreach plan for implementing CCSS (Common Core State Standards) and the networked strategy for the NH DOE.”

“As part of their ongoing support role, the regional liaisons participate in monthly superintendent, principal and CIA (curriculum, instruction and assessment) meetings that take place in their respective regions.”

“They also form a conduit for feedback to the NHDOE thereby supporting a continuous demand driven approach to implementing CCSS. The liaisons will participate in bi-monthly meetings at the NHDOE, included as members of the Commissioner’s extended cabinet, ensuring a better two-way flow of information between the field (districts) and the NHDOE.”

States are learning the cost of Common Core is uncommonly high.


The federally-backed standards initiative, first proposed by the nation’s governors and an educators’ association, seeks to impose a national standard for achievement among K-12 students. So far, 45 states plus the District of Columbia have signed on, with some implementing curriculum designed for the Common Core Standards Initiative during the current school year and the rest set to take part in the next school year. But several states are reconsidering their participation, and one big reason is the cost.

States will spend up to an estimated $10 billion up front, then as much as $800 million per year for the first seven years that the controversial program is up and running. Much of the cost is on new, Common Core-aligned textbooks and curriculum, but the added expenses also include teacher training, technology upgrades, testing and assessment. The figures are taking states by surprise.

Regarding the Union Leader article “Common Core debate fires up crowd” (February 6), some of the comments beneath were breathtakingly ignorant and in need of a correction.

You have to wonder about Darcy McCann who said “…there is no mention of the bus full of out-of-state freakazoids the religious and Tea Party fanatics the billionaires whose fortunes depend on an ignorant public bussed in to pollute the public debate. Reports of sighting came in from all over the state!”

Really? Unlike the anti-gun crowd, there are no “tea party” buses coming in from out-of-state. Neither is the tea party a religious movement. Truth is it is the billionaires like Jeb Bush, Bill Gates, Donald Pearson, and the Koch Brothers who are promoting Common Core for monetary gain, using our childrens’ private data. We the people are in fact protesting these very billionaires that created and promote common core.

That said, why do the progressives love Common Core? Not because it is anything special academically, but because it codifies the political indoctrination that is already embedded into our childrens’ courses of study. Add to that the problems with the dumbing down of the subject matter, the lack of use of real sources of information, and the privacy issues, and you have one big brother of a nightmare.

Progressives love it and defend it using the most worn out talking points, the meaning of which they themselves still cannot explain. Common Core nor any federal program is, as Rep Chris Muns states, necessary to “keep America competitive in the global economy”. But it is rather necessary to brainwash children into accepting the idea of global government.

You liberals should explain why you are siding with the billionaires and traitors.

Civil Disobedience to Common Core Growing

Direct Link: http://youtu.be/lNer3pRBzXE

Rich Girard on Common Core and Here.