Bloomberg Leads New Hampshire Dems Around on a Leash

NH Democrats are being led around by the nose by outside groups from NY and Connecticut, ignoring the will of the NH people and the NH and US Constitutions.

From GO-NH we learn…

If you ever had any doubt that New Hampshire House Democrats were wholly-owned puppets of New York liberals, Tuesday’s events should have dispelled that.

On Tuesday, February 4, the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee voted, along party lines, to approve universal gun registration legislation that former NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg had demanded from them.

The legislation would effectively outlaw private firearms transfers in New Hampshire (more on the specifics later). And, because the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives has recently taken to Xeroxing dealer 4473’s during its annual inspections of gun dealers, this effectively means that New Hampshire gun owners would be dumped into a national gun registry.

The bill, HB 1589, now goes to the House floor, where it will be voted on during the middle of next week.

There is only one reason why HB 1589 is on the NH House agenda: Billionaire Bloomberg demanded it.

The bill would not have stopped the Newtown calamity, where shooter Adam Lanza stole his guns. It would not have stopped the Aurora tragedy, where shooter James Holmes passed a background check. And it would not have stopped the Tucson shooting, where gunman Jared Loughner passed a background check.

In fact, HB 1589 would dump New Hampshire gun owners into a national gun registry for one purpose and one purpose only: So that the fanatical billionaire Michael Bloomberg can “put points on the board” for his anti-gun cause.

The feckless committee majority adopted a Bloomberg-backed amendment which purported to deal with certain problems, but in fact, made the problems worse.

The bill claims that a “noncommercial sale” is not covered. But “commercial” is defined as a sale at a gun show or a sale “pursuant to an advertisement, posting, listing, or display.” And “display” is not defined. So, if you put an ad on a bulletin board, you’re clearly in trouble. The same is true if you mention it on the internet or in a newspaper.

But what if you merely let your seller look at the gun? Is that a “display”? Want to bet that your answer to those questions will differ greatly from how the implementers of this law — if they clearly hate guns and want to interpret this statute in its broadest possible sense — will implement it?

Finally, make no mistake about the purpose of this bill: All of the Bloomberg groupies that spent the last year harassing Senator Kelly Ayotte will troop up to Governor Maggie Hassan’s office for the signing ceremony. This victory, in turn, will give them a “shot in the arm” which will propel their next set of demands: gun bans, magazine bans, and ultimately, as in New York, gun confiscation.

Don’t let billionaire Bloomberg buy New Hampshire.

ACTION: Write your representative(s) and senator. Insist that they oppose Bloomberg’s H.B. 1589.


For Representatives:

For Senators:

Simply identify your state legislators, click on their email addresses and write them a polite but firm message to vote against Bloomberg’s HB 1589..

Also, these Representatives on the Committee need to be targeted for REMOVAL from office in the NH House of Representatives where by their votes, they have committed a dereliction of duty. If this unconstitutional law should pass most of us will NOT comply.

Jill Hammond (D)
Kermit Williams (D)
Ruth Heden (D)
Richard McNamara (D)
Catherine Mulholland (D)
Donna Schlachman (D)
Edward Butler (D)
Chris Muns (D)
Joe Scarlotto (D)
Stephen J Shurtleff (D) (replacing Ken Gidge who would have also voted for OTP)

Angeline A Kopka (D) (was not present to vote, but would have voted for OTP)
Ken Gidge (D) (was not present to vote, but would have voted for OTP)

You might also send thanks to these Representatives for upholding their oaths to the Constitution:

Ron Belanger (R)
Keith Murphy (R)
Laura Jones (R)
Pam Tucker (R)
John Hunt (R)
Fred Rice (R)
Emily Sandblade(R)
Donald Flanders (R)

Special thanks to Laura Jones for her efforts.