Will an Article V Convention Mean More Taxes?

We know the progressives have a huge desire to change our Constitution into a Marxist screed. This could include more taxes.

See what this former lawyer has to say about the subject of the Balanced Budget Amendment.

“The gap between what this BBA pretends to do – and what it actually does – is enormous. It has nothing to do with “balancing the budget” – it is about slipping in a new national sales tax or value-added tax in addition to the existing federal income tax.

We have become so shallow that we look no further than a name – if it sounds good, we are all for it. We hear, “balanced budget amendment,” and think, “I have to balance my budget; they should have to balance theirs.” So we don’t read the amendment, we just assume they will have to balance theirs the same way we balance ours – by cutting spending.”

Balancing the Budget? Or Adding A National Sales Tax To The Income Tax?