Shaheen, Biden Offspring Caught Voting in NH


You may wonder who is doing all the legwork on catching what seems like massive vote fraud by Democratic operatives and members of their party, in New Hampshire.

The credit for this work goes to none other than one of our founding groups, The Coalition of NH Taxpayers.

Under the direction of their intrepid Chairman Ed Naile, a small but dedicated working group have thus far succeeded in exposing such interesting facts as this: NH Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s daughter voted in NH while domiciled in California, and Alana Biden, niece of VP Joe Biden, voted here while domiciled elsewhere as well. Oh but there is more!

Various NH Senators and State Representatives were exposed to have housed out-of-state Democrat campaign workers who voted in NH either while registered to vote in other states, and/or voted in those states as well. Some were not even legal residents of the United States!

Ed can be heard breaking this news each Wednesday morning on Girard at Large (WLMW 90.7 FM on TuneIn Radio) and more details can be found on CNHT’s blog here.

Meet Caitlyn Legacki, who votes where she imagines she lives.. three times!

CNHT has been keeping records of this sort of thing for the past 14 years. Where is our Attorney General on this you ask? Instead of chasing down these perpetrators, they are more than happy to try to arrest and indict folks like journalist James O’Keefe of Project Veritas who videotaped how easy it was to vote while dead in New Hampshire, in several towns.

And the Democrats have been by stealth, slowly legislating away your right under NH’s RSA 91-A to see certain voting record information, in order to cover up their crimes.

You can hear a segment from Girard at Large’s January 28 show, where Rich covers the latest on what is going on with voter fraud in New Hampshire. Rest assured that if it’s happening here, it’s happening everywhere.

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