The Sad State of the NH GOP

We usually don’t waste time talking about the increasingly insignificant mainstream media, but we felt we should comment on this situation.

It’s no secret that Republican big-wig Karl Rove has started a PAC to oppose candidates that he feels are too conservative.

Many news articles have expounded on Karl Rove’s “war on the tea party”. We understood in 2007 when we formed on that cold December day, that establishment Republicans were very happy to be on the same side of the aisle with the Democrats on many important issues. And that Fergus Cullen seemed to take regular pleasure in being NH’s Karl Rove by bashing the grassroots on the pages of NH’s once-conservative newspaper as he has recently done: Union Leader.

Even though the tea party is a movement and not a political party that does not get involved in recruiting or funding candidates, we certainly do research them and try to educate people about them. And since we ultimately don’t tell people how they should vote, their conclusions are their own whether Fergus Cullen’s establishment likes it or not.

Our informal internal polls show that Scott Brown would not win a Republican primary for US Senate. It is no secret however, that the New Hampshire GOP will not listen to the wishes of the grassroots and by doing so has not learned lessons from the past. It has not stood up for good candidates from Craig Benson, to Jim Coburn, to Joe Kenney, to John Stephen, all of whom went up against John Lynch, the most compromised and radical left-wing governor we’ve ever had. Wait, make that the worst governor NH has ever had. Who can forget ‘Republicans for Lynch’, out-of-state money, or the Ray Buckley scandal where instead of going to the police with the allegations, Lynch instead gave the Democrats the heads up so they could allegedly break into their own office and steal their own computers to relieve themselves of any evidence? [Editor’s note and correction: The NH GOP does not take sides in a primary.]

And so it goes.

Not to worry GOP, the tea party’s feelings aren’t hurt in the least. We are the grassroots. We are the unsilent majority. You know you need us to win your elections.

But we guess you’re happy with the status quo, which is losing.