Common Core is UNITED NATIONS to the Core

The philosophy in the school room in one generation will become the philosophy of government in the next. — Abraham Lincoln

Hitler knew it and so do today’s elites. William Ayers said he cared not who was president, so long as his group had access to public institutions such as the educational system…


In the past we’ve suggested that Robert Muller wrote the World Core Curriculum while he was active with the United Nations. It is 100% promotion of the United Nations one-world agenda.

Indeed he stated “… [A]t the request of educators I wrote the World Core Curriculum, the product of the United Nations, the meta-organism of human and planetary evolution.”

~ Robert Muller, former U.N. Assistant Secretary General

On his website it states “Robert Muller created a “World Core Curriculum” and is known throughout the world as the “father of global education”.

Since then we have seen much of the UN agenda embedded into the public school curriculum, and the complete agenda in special programs that some public schools have adopted such as IB (

But now, via Common Core, all schools would be subjected to the complete agenda of this one-world citizen mindset, forgoing all sovereignty of the United States. In NH, some towns do not even teach the US Constitution, but subject their students to the rules of the ‘Model UN’ instead. (Bedford)

In Crisis readers learned that Common Core is financed with over $150 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The collaboration of the Gates Foundation and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been well publicized. In addition, Gates, on behalf of his Microsoft Corporation, signed a 26-page Cooperation Agreement in 2004 between Microsoft and UNESCO to develop a “master curriculum” which included benchmarks and assessments. The agreement stipulates that “UNESCO will explore how to facilitate content development.”

Of course Arne Duncan and Pearson Education Company are mentioned. The only culprit they left out is Marc Tucker.

And now that you know Common Core has solid ties to UNESCO, what more do you need to reject it?

Common Core: Education for the World Government of the New World Order