The Real Reason for Government Controlled Healthcare

Just as teachers had a hard time understanding why there were so many strange changes in their jobs until it was spelled out on their contracts with the statement that they would ‘pledge to teach the mission of world government’, the public has had a hard time understanding why government health care is needed. Of course it is necessary in order to bring us into compliance with world government.

“These codes were not created by Obamacare, however Obamacare is trying to implement every American citizen under international codes to link us to the “international” system. These codes were actually created by the WHO (World Health Organization) . The WHO is a specialized agency of the United Nations.”

You see the ‘international community’ thinks the US spends far too much as it is now on healthcare. We extend the lives of our elderly as much as we can at any cost because we revere life. We do the same for our unborn, at least those of us not aborting. Meanwhile, new age gurus like John Holdren, Cass Sunstein, and Donald Berwick recommend NOT spending as much on those who are not ‘productive’ members of society. Those would be anyone under the age of 15 or over the age of 60.

(So if you are 60 and need a kidney transplant, you’d better start looking now, or the IPABs and CERs may determine that you have lived your ‘whole life’ and are not entitled to one.)

But we digress. Here it is thanks to Lorri Anderson, in a nutshell. Government controlled healthcare is an essential part of a totalitarian global, one world society in which all is planned for you, even how long you can live.

As the author of the piece commented beneath her writing “…we are not “international citizens”. Nor were we ever asked if we minded “sharing” our information with an “international” body that is a specialist agency for the United Nations. They always disguise things to make things “easier” or to make you “safer”. Reality is that there is no excuse for what has been going on under our noses without the American people being made aware of such things.”

Indeed and even as the internet has made it easier to make Americans aware, well of course the UN now wants to control that too….

Read more at Freedom Outpost: ICD 9: International Medical Coding and “Legal” Execution Brought Under Obamacare