Common Core Homework for 8-Year Olds: Adultery

The mother of an 8-year old 3rd grade student from Louisiana said her daughter came home yesterday with this for homework. When she called the principal, he told her that he was sorry and that the student teacher had sent it home by accident.

The student teacher got it from approved Common Core material for 3rd graders.

The mother said she was totally against any child being taught about adultery. If this is something that happens in a family, it is the place of the Mother and Father to make that choice.

We agree that it is a bit over the top for such an age level.

Parents are you beginning to see that public schools are practicing child abuse with this material no matter for whom it was originally intended?

This same passage was given to a 4th grade class in Gilbert, Arizona and ABC covered the story. [Video]

Click on the graphic for a larger view… The original, not the parent’s copy which we have in our possession, is presented here.


If you would like to see more inappropriate lessons from Common Core, please check these FaceBook groups: and

It is not uncommon to find errors in math problems or incorrect statements about the role of government, such as the government gives us our rights or that the supreme court has powers that it doesn’t.

The teachers in our group have seen this kind of thing going on for the last 20 years at least, as schools desensitize children to sex, misinform them about what government is supposed to be and do, and continually brainwash them with leftist and UN propaganda embedded into every lesson.

Hear Girard at Large talk about the horrific examples of the sexualization and politicization of the curriculum for young students.