Tea Party Patriots Wrong to Support Con-Con!

Here we are folks, tell us please how any of these rightwing groups, including this neocon tea party “patriots” GOP PAC are any better than the left?

They are pushing for a con-con which will destroy our constitution.

If you haven’t read Attorney Publius Huldah’s September 21, 2013 NewsWithViews.com refutation of the Mark Levin plan and the damage it would do, please read it and get busy fighting this insanity. 

Publius Huldah is a retired attorney who now lives in Tennessee. Before getting a law degree, she got a degree in philosophy where she specialized in political philosophy and epistemology (theories of knowledge). She now writes extensively on the U.S. Constitution, using the Federalist Papers to prove its original meaning and intent. She also shows how federal judges and politicians have ignored Our Constitution and replaced it with their personal opinions and beliefs.

Do Not Trust This Man With Our Constitution!

Do Not Trust This Man With Our Constitution!

Levin’s Amendments

“Levin starts his book by saying how bad things are and how the federal government has trampled and mangled the Constitution. Those pages are true. And they serve the purpose of making readers believe that Levin is “on our side.” And because of that, many are induced to lay aside their critical thinking skills and accept on trust what Levin tells them. That is a deadly mistake.

Levin’s amendments actually gut our Constitution. Most increase the powers of the federal government by making lawful what is now unconstitutional because it is not an “enumerated power.” Others put a band-aid on a problem without solving the problem. The amendments pertaining to “overrides” undermine the Constitution as the Objective Standard of what is lawful and what is not — and substitute majority vote therefore.[6]”

It is idiotic to assert that you can rein in a federal government which ignores the Constitution by amending the Constitution! Yet, that is “The Levin Plan.”

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Note: Two groups who support the Coalition and who are considered our experts on the Constitution are the JBS and the NHCCS. They have come out AGAINST the Levin proposal.