Holding IRS Accountable is Good, Support for Snowden Not So Much

This information comes via the “grapevine”…

We heard that last night, a recently formed GOP group from NH had a public confab on the egregious violations of the IRS. This event was staged in conjunction with a GOP PAC from DC (aka Tea Party Patriots). These TPP are the same folks who keep bugging NH folks for money via telephone solicitations. (And we keep having to remind the NH folks it’s not NHTPC asking for their money, but an outside group)

Seems that while relating the long train of abuses from the IRS, they didn’t actually outright call for dissolving the agency, an arm of the Federal Reserve.

We also heard that the esteemed Gordon Humphrey (former US Senator from NH) spoke in support of Edward Snowden the whistleblower. The reaction was that there was little applause from that bunch.

Gordon, you’re hanging with the wrong people. :)