Insurance Companies Helped Write Obamacare

We remember 2009 like it was yesterday.

Millions of people protested Obamacare right up until the day it was forcibly passed.

During the time leading up to that, NH residents demanded Senator Shaheen, and Congressmen Paul Hodes and Carol-Shea Porter hold town halls to hear our complaints. NONE of them would.

We protested outside one event where Hodes was to appear. He passed us by on the sidewalk without responding to our questions.

Two of his minions approached us and screamed in our faces: “Who ARE you? The insurance companies are paying you to oppose Obamacare!!!”

We laughed at this ludicrous accusation, but it wasn’t so funny. It’s amazing just now many supporters of Obamacare have fallen for the cliché that insurance companies are in collusion with the opponents of Obamacare when just the opposite is true. We told these less than polite grown women that they should be aware that insurance companies are helping to WRITE it which is why you are not seeing them openly oppose it anywhere.

One woman went home and returned with a crude sign that read “morons” with an arrow which she then pointed at us. Sad that these folks were so clueless, isn’t it? We wonder how many of them have lost their insurance or working hours, thanks to this impending law?

You need to understand just who is behind Obamacare and the loss of insurance and big profits made from it. This writer lost insurance that was thought to be safe after 45 years! Thanks to the work of AFP, here is the scoop.

Ever heard of Enroll America? If not, you will soon. It’s a supposedly “not-for-profit” operation that is working around the clock to get people to sign up for the ObamaCare health insurance exchanges. So, who are they? Surprise, surprise. They’re a consortium of Big Insurance interests like Blue Cross Blue Shield and Kaiser Permanente—who will directly benefit from growing the insurance rolls—and a who’s who of donors to President Obama’s former campaigns.

Cause of Action, an excellent group that advocates for government accountability,is seeking to have the IRS review the non-profit status of Enroll America, who are essentially getting tax breaks to grow their own businesses and strengthen the Obama administration’s hand as it implements ObamaCare. You can read the whole complaint here.

Blue Shield’s Vice President of Public Affairs, Tom Epstein, who also is on the Board of Directors at Enroll America, hasn’t minced words about the profit motive: “We’re losing money on individual policies right now. We’ll definitely need to make some money in the exchange.”

This is exactly the kind of crony capitalism that always percolates when Big Government gets even bigger.

We aren’t sitting back and letting it happen this time.

In Florida, grassroots activists met up at the BCBS offices in Jacksonville to protest the mutual backscratching. They received enthusiastic honks and thumbs-ups from the passersby. Florida director Slade O’Brien also has an excellent opinion article in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, raising the warning flag about the Enroll America scheme.

Our California state director, David Spady, made sure the liberal media took note, with the San Francisco Chronicle reporting on his trip to Blue Cross Blue Shield’s California office. He also wrote an excellent piece at TownHall that points out how Enroll America’s efforts belie the fundamental mess that is the ObamaCare law.

But we need your help to spread the word even further. Americans need to know that Big Insurance and Big Government are working together, leaving the taxpayer out in the cold. Enrolling in the ObamaCare exchanges means one thing: signing away your health care privileges to a consortium of self-interested parties spread across government and the private sector.

Please sign the petition to DEFUND OBAMACARE.