Police Chief John Duval, Government, our Biggest Threat

Are you more likely to be killed by a government official using excessive and unwarranted force, or a foreign terrorist such as the Mossad or Taliban?

Seen in Nashua

Seen in Nashua

We bet you thought it was a foreign terrorist, you know, the kind hoping to be rewarded with 72 virgins. But you were wrong. You are actually 8x more likely to be killed by an agent of our own government according to this disturbing study from the CATO Institute. CATO maintains a ‘Botched Military Raids’ map as proof. In addition, Amnesty International reports that there have been over 540 deaths from improper tasering, a dangerous method of shocking your victim now being used by police for practically no reason at all. [See our articles on Daniel Musso]

Are you beginning to rethink just who has become the biggest threat to our liberty and freedom, and even our lives?

How did this happen? Perhaps it is pressure from the federal government and their DHS agency, perhaps it is media malfeasance in describing certain groups, or perhaps it is just plain ignorance.

From this UL article, we learned that Concord Police Chief John Duval has made a request for a grant to be used to purchase a “Bearcat G3”, a type of armored vehicle, in order to fight terrorism in NH. He states in the application that ‘New Hampshire’s experience with terrorism “slants primarily towards the domestic type,” and said “the threat is real and here.”‘

Chief Duval

Chief Duval

We know of no incidents of “terrorism”, domestic or otherwise, that have occurred in NH. Further…

“Groups such as the Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters and Occupy New Hampshire are active and present daily challenges,” the application stated. In addition to organized groups, it cited “several homegrown clusters that are anti-government and pose problems for law enforcement agencies.”

Homegrown “clusters”? Daily challenges? Surely Duval is stretching this to create a sense of urgency that does not exist. Let’s take a look at the groups he cites as ‘terrorists’.

In the MIAC report, the FSP and OWS were not mentioned but people who consider themselves Sovereign Citizens were lumped in with Militia Members, Tax Resistors, pro-lifers, Anti-Immigration (illegal only of course) anti-Federal Reserve, anti-North American Union, anti-alphabet soup agencies, those against a Constitutional Convention, those who are anti-RFID chips, or who display the Molon Labe slogan or display the historical Gadsden Flag (or any other number of don’t tread on me flags) and listed as domestic terrorists. The teaparty is made up of all of those types also including Oathkeepers, Anarchists, (little to no government – does not mean violent) and strict Constitutionalists.

[Note: Since we know of no Christian or White Identity groups existing in NH, we did not include those. The teaparty in any case, does not tolerate racism of any kind, or any militant religionist types, and would not allow these types of groups to become members of this coalition.]

Is Duval taking his lead from DHS and their co-conspirators at the Southern Poverty Law Center? SPLC is a group that lists anyone who does not agree with their big government agenda as ‘hate groups’.

Duval’s inclusion of the FSP and OWS is laughable. FSP is a serious effort to get people to move to NH. Once they arrive, they are free to be active or not. The FSP doesn’t guide their actions. [Most FSPers are politically aware and many serve in the legislature. This writer came to NH for similar reasons in 1989, before the FSP was conceived.]

While OWS has proven to be a movement funded by the left and guilty of crimes and violence in other parts of the country, the small erstwhile contingent of about 50 OWSers in NH were not violent, although misguided into thinking OWS was a liberty movement of sorts. As far as we know, their worst crime was assembling on a city park without a permit…

None of the above mentioned groups would seem to warrant Duval’s claim of the imminent threat of domestic terrorism in NH.

Not only has the moderate Union Leader admitted that we are experiencing an unnecessary militarization of our local police, but this video is further proof that the problem has become so serious a threat to not only our freedoms but our very lives, that even the mainstream “milquetoast” republican propagandists on FOX are reporting it. Here Mike Huckabee interviews Attorney John Whitehead, author of “Government of Wolves”:

Innocents have been killed, beloved pets shot for no reason, and all because the law which says a warrant must be presented before a search was ignored. Sometimes, the use of such force is over ridiculous matters such as the suspected use of marijuana. [Note: we do not advocate breaking the law, but marijuana users are almost NEVER violent]

Government Terrorism

Government Terrorism

Something not mentioned so far, is the threat of the use of drones for domestic surveillance. Charles Krauthammer once predicted that the first American to shoot down a domestic drone would be a folk hero. And some have vowed to shoot drones on sight with or without a law such as the one proposed by Phillip Steele, a resident of Deer Trail, Colorado. In this Atlantic article entitled “Local Anti-Drone Activism Begins: ‘If They Fly in Town, We Will Shoot Them Down'” it is now a recognized fact that drones have been and will be used against Americans and Americans are not going to take it lying down.

Remember Henry Kissinger, globalist, just proclaimed that anyone who is against the ‘international order’ is to be considered a terrorist.

So the question is, who is the greater threat to our liberty, freedom and our lives? We think you know the answer.