Demands to Kill George Zimmerman OK with FaceBook

As of July 3, 2013, we were told there were no less than four pages on FaceBook titled “Kill George Zimmerman”. We checked and sure enough, there they were, blatantly calling for his murder.

George Zimmerman is the Florida man accuse of killing 17 year old Trayvon Martin after Martin allegedly jumped him and smashed his head on the sidewalk during a night time encounter in Zimmerman’s gated community. Emotions have run high, and while Zimmerman is claiming self defense, Martin supporters claim it was a racially motivated hate crime, and are threatening to kill and riot if Zimmerman is acquitted.

Repeatedly, people asked FaceBook to take down the four pages that were titled “Kill George Zimmerman” or had that in the title. Repeatedly they were told the page would not be taken down because the page did not violate their terms of service or fall into the category of ‘hate speech’ or ‘promotion of violence’.

Say what?

Seeing as people are making racist threats to riot and kill people if Zimmerman is acquitted, we view this as highly sensitive issue and think the pages do blatantly advocate violence.

It was not until MATT DRUDGE put it on his website that FaceBook took three of those pages down.

So what is the problem with this fourth page? And what kind of twisted logic do they use in determining TOS?