Left Wing Violence on the Rise

Anyone who witnessed the fiasco that was Occupy, knows that the left has a penchant for violence. William Ayers, godfather of all 1960’s leftist terrorist and friend of Obama’s, even spoke at one of their rallies. Occupy or OWS for short, is a movement whose participants broke every law in the book; committing multiple rapes, robberies, drug deals, vandalism to the tune of millions, and at whose rallies were 12 deaths, about 4 of them murders. Their ‘rallies’, which simulated UN general assemblies, were bought and paid for by outside sources in the ‘revolution’ business.

So while we’ll not speculate on who was to blame for the horrific acts that killed and maimed the innocents in Boston on Monday, we’ll remind you, the BBC, Rachel Maddow, Peter Bergen, Wolf Blitzer, and Chris ‘Tingle’ Matthews and all their gullible viewers that despite their tendency to try to blame the ‘right’ and even specifically the tea party movement, they should consider this…

The last 8 acts of violence or terrorism were either carried out by entrapment or by blatant LEFT WINGERS….

1 – Fort Hood
2 – Columbine
3 – Virginia Tech
4 – Aurora
5 – Connecticut
6 – Tucson
7 – Alabama

…and, for 8, we’re sure the person who tried to bomb Sheriff Joe Arpaio, wasn’t a tea partier.

Tea Party 2007. 6 years later and scores of rallies, and not even so much as a parking ticket!

Update! 9 – We just learned that a Republican Senator from Mississippi was sent poison in the mail. We’re pretty sure it didn’t come from the ‘right’.

Update! 10 – Remember the guy who flew his small plane into the IRS building in Austin? He left a Marxist SCREED in his farewell letter, yet all the leftists on TV can talk about is “right wing” violence which basically doesn’t exist.