Rain Tax Raises Money for Enviro Groups to Get Grants

Pennies from heaven but for whom?

Pennies from Heaven for the Tax Man

Pennies from Heaven for the Tax Man

Is it any wonder that environmental groups are pushing taxes on behavior over which you have no control? The possibilities for taxation are endless.

Take for example the new storm water runoff tax that has been imposed on Maryland property owners. Better known as the ‘rain’ tax, and pushed by environmental groups who stand to benefit from grants that will be awarded using the money, this tax will go into effect in July.

According to Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask”, the SF Bay Area has a similar draconian rule. There is a streamside threshold overlay on parcels that prohibits development if the parcel is in the path of a runoff. So if you’re on a slight incline and water drains through your property you can’t build.

And how do they propose to figure out how much tax homeowners will owe? Why aerial surveillance of course.

And you thought drones only killed children overseas.

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