Outside Corporate Money Invades NH Town Meetings

Nip these private corporate interests in the bud. NH Listens is the PR firm of a private corporation that has been embraced by our public universities. They are NOT representing the voice of the ‘community’ as they claim.

They are attempting to steer the conversations at town and school meetings all over the state in order to get you to vote for their agenda.

They claim no authority but are using YOUR tax dollars to control YOUR speech.

Below is the invitation which appears to be asking people to participate in a benign discussion group. It is anything but benign and is rooted in a full agenda that is coming from the top down, and as they state, encompasses all aspects of your life.

Please follow the calendars of NH Listens, Granite State Future, and Plan NH for more intrusiveness on the part of these groups.

How can we make the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region the best place to live, learn, work, and play for everyone?

You may have great answers to this question. Consider being a part of an upcoming informative conversation about the future of our communities, our region, and our state.

The issues local leaders face are many, including public health, transportation, economic development, infrastructure, housing, land use, energy, cultural, historic, natural resources and more. Community conversations are designed and hosted by NH Listens and UNH Cooperative Extension.

All perspectives are welcome. Join the discussion!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
The Common Man Inn and Restaurant,
21 Water Street
Claremont, NH 03743

6:00 PM – Sign in and Refreshments
6:30 – 9:00 PM – Program

On-site childcare will be available.

Snow date: Thursday, February 28, 2013

Register at http://tinyurl.com/RegisterListening or by calling NH Listens at

Several of these conversations will be taking place statewide. Go to
http://granitestatefuture.org/ for additional event dates and locations.

Bottom line? This is (Hollywood) BIG CORPORATE MONEY INTERESTS, coming from OUTSIDE NH, attempting to change our way of life here.