Dem Dominated NH Legislature to Restrict Your Freedoms

Should New Hampshire be a Free State or a Nanny State?

The Democratically dominated legislature in NH has at least one Representative who has openly admitted that she plans to restrict your freedoms. And she is using the folks who moved here as part of the Free State Project as the scapegoat.

District 8 State Representative Cynthia Chase of Keene has stated that “…Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today.”

Suffers from Fear of Freedom

“Free Staters” are people who have banded together to choose a state to which they might move in order to experience the most freedom in their lifetimes. They chose NH as that state because of its good representation in the legislature and tradition of conservative/libertarian values which includes belief in low taxes, less spending, and less government.

Because the concept of freedom is apparently so threatening to Ms. Chase, she suggests that the legislature “…make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave. One way is to pass measures that will restrict the ‘freedoms’ that they think they will find here.”

We find this to be quite an amazing attitude, since Chase is typical of the kind of unwelcome transplant that native NH residents have complained about for a very long time. Folks like Chase are often wealthy professional retirees who land here from a high-tax state such as NY, Conn, RI, or Mass, and then have the audacity to push for the implementation of programs we do not want or need, or attempt to raise taxes, including income taxes. And yet, they do not see the irony in this fact?

Take for example, wealthy retiree Susan Almy from Grafton. She held a ‘tax summit’ that did not include the taxpayers of NH, but out of state corporate groups who routinely shill for taxes. Additionally, the Dem legislature of 2006-2010 left the state of NH with an $800M deficit that the Republican legislature largely mitigated in 2011.

Chase also told the Keene Sentinel that she wants to pass Bill 2013-H-0065 to repeal the voter ID legislation.

As for those of us FSPers and non-FSPers who just want to live in peace, freedom, and prosperity, God forbid we should “shove freedom down anyone’s throats” as one of these nanny staters once complained!

H/T to @Liberty_603 who posted the graphic quote and for discovering Chase’s post on a lefty NH website.