Legislative Update from ACFANH

First Action of the NH Democrat House… Banning Guns!

Is the first action of the Democrats in the NH House to deal with jobs or the economy? No. OK, perhaps it is to deal with the overwhelming mental health care crisis and the need for beds and community services? Nope, that is not it either.

Their (the new legislature’s) first action is to outlaw the right to self defense for elected officials. Let’s remember folks the rules of the house only affect the employees of the house and the elected members, you and I — the public — are not bound by them as they have no force of law. So is this the “change” the NH public voted to get???

Check out the story in the NH Union Leader…

NH Legislative Alerts: because if you don’t protect your rights… who will?

Title: Permitting a county delegation to establish a county income tax.
Sponsors: (Prime) Delmar Burridge (D)

This bill will allow EVERY NH County the right to assess a 1% INCOME TAX based on your unadjusted gross income! This bill of goods is being sold to you on the idea that it will somehow lower your income tax. Now let’s think about that… They want to tax you more on one side of your paycheck to somehow lower your taxes on the other side. Sorry Rep. Burridge but NH residents are not fooled, a tax is a tax and no matter what you say we know this means less money in our pockets to feed our families.

Rep. Burridge doesn’t just want to tax you more, he wants your 2nd Amendment rights too:

Title: Prohibiting unlicensed persons from openly carrying a pistol or revolver in a public building.
Sponsors: (Prime) Delmar Burridge (D)

Now ponder this… this is one representative and only 2 bills. There are 727 bills, so what other rights are at risk… not to mention your pocket!?

Don’t take our word for it, visit: The NH General Court Legislative Service Request Page

More Bills!

Title: Requiring safety training and instruction for purchase or acquisition of a firearm.
Sponsor: (Prime) Cynthia Sweeney (D)

Title: Prohibiting discrimination against the unemployed.
Sponsor: (Prime) Timothy Copeland (R)

Title: Raising the registration fee for commercial feed manufacturers and distributors.
Sponsor: (Prime) Robert Haefner (R)

Oh, so we have nothing more important to work on… let’s increase the cost of dentures by creating a state mandate that all dentures be engraved with the owner’s name…

Title: Relative to the identification of dental prosthetic and orthodontic appliances.
Sponsors: (Prime) Dorothea Hooper (D)

To join ACFANH please write to: ACFANH@gmail.com