21 Signs Agenda 21 Is in Your Community

Know the Signs

21 Signs Agenda 21 Is in Your Community
by Darin Moser

Has your town or city been infiltrated by United Nations policies of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development? Below is listed a collection of 21 signs that point to the likely involvement of this radical new philosophy in your community.

1. Your community is a member of organizations such as ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), or ICMA (International City/County Management Association) – these organizations promote the creation of sustainable communities in line with United Nations Agenda 21.

2.) Your community has a Sustainability Director or Department of Sustainable Development that is in charge of coordinating the planning and implementation of sustainable development policies in your area.

3.) Your community has a Vision, Master, or Comprehensive Plan typically created within the past 5-10 years that promotes the three E’s of Sustainable Development (Environment, Economy, and Social Equity) also known as the “Triple Bottom Line”.

4.) Your community supports compact, high density, mixed use, pedestrian and bicycle oriented development patterns, constructed primarily along public transit and rail corridors. This is also known as Smart Growth, New Urbanism, or Resilient Communities. These communities also promote alternative modes of transportation away from the traditional automobile toward policies which endorse and encourage public transit whenever possible to curb fossil fuel usage and lower carbon emissions. This may include the implementation of community wide Biking and Pedestrian plans.

5.) Your community is actively promoting healthy communities through sustainable agriculture and community gardens; encouraging a shift away from the current free market driven food system to a new locally-focused, publicly incentivised sustainable food system.

6.) Your city or town has established an Urban Growth Boundary beyond which all development including the suburbs is considered SPRAWL and blight and is discouraged through various incentives and regulations.

7.) Your town has joined with local regional councils or with the state or federal government to promote Sustainable Communities Planning or to launch new sustainable initiatives.

8.) Your community has embraced and is building the infrastructure of the new “green” energy alternatives including solar and wind farms while discouraging the continued use of other forms of energy such as fossil fuel and coal.

9.)Your community is placing restrictions on private landowners in the form of increased regulation and changed land use rules in order to promote farmland preservation, environmental protection and conservation of natural resources.

10.) Your community is working through state and local mechanisms including NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) to gain more and more control over privately owned land in order to secure it in perpetuity as shared, common “green space”.

11.) You find this or any similar symbol in your community’s official government documents:
The Triple Bottom Line

12.) Your community belongs to the Earth Charter, the Sierra Club’s Cool Cities Initiative or the Audobon Society’s Sustainable Community Initiative or your mayor has signed the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement.

13.) Your community leaders accept manmade global warming as fact and begin to endorse policies to mitigate any actions or development that may promote global warming.

14.) Your community enacts an energy plan requiring governmentally predetermined efficiency standards in order to lower your community’s carbon footprint. This may include utilizing new “green” LEED building and energy code standards for construction and development that include incentives, benchmarks, and retrofitting.

15.) Your local leaders begin to refer to your community as a “transition town”, a resilient city, or as a “livable community” and begin teaching through local government and institutions a community focus on interdependence with nature, interconnectedness and globalism.

16.) Your local government uses the language of Social Equity; such as food justice, economic and environmental justice, fairness, direct democracy, diversity, food deserts, social justice, and wealth redistribution.

17.) There is involvement from multiple Non-Governmental Organizations in your city’s planning and development initiatives. Any new planning involves these NGO’s and many other “stakeholders” in the collaborative, consensus-building, “visioning” process that details the plans for your community’s future.

18.) Your local school systems begin promoting environmental awareness and sustainable development; with a focus on becoming environmentally literate, good global citizens. Your school may be involved with International Baccalaureate or other UN sponsored education agendas.

19.) Your local government authorities begin using and exceeding their constitutionally granted powers alongside private organizations to assist in the promotion of sustainable initiatives through Public-Private Partnerships.

20.) You see a focused and significant push toward “social equity” interfaith initiatives that promote a “one world” mentality along with community diversity, multiculturalism, sameness of faiths, social inclusion and environmental stewardship.

21.) Your community uses language that calls for “redefining” how we determine progress and prosperity away from traditional wealth and growth measurements like GDP (Gross Domestic Product) toward more philosophical non-specific ideas such as well being and happiness.

The above signs are but a few that illustrate the implementation of Sustainable Development ideology in your community. If you see these signs unfolding around you in your various local institutions you may want to deepen your level of research into Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development and begin working to shine the light of truth in order to expose these globalists anti-American policies for the one world reality that they serve.

Below you will find this document available in PDF format for download and printing, please use and distribute freely.

21 Signs Agenda 21-Part 1
21 Signs Agenda 21-Part 2

Sustainable Development, it is a movement with political goals, that has achieved an enormous amount while being largely portrayed as altruistic. I would encourage everyone to research the worldview and beliefs that lie behind this positive “green” spin. For more information I would invite each of you to visit my news blog about the issue of Sustainable Development at http://www.facebook.com/AmericanAlert.