How Regional Planners are Promoting the UN’s Agenda 21

In case you are one of those who doubt that our local government is promoting the United Nation’s Agenda 21 by way of unelected panels of people serving on “regional planning commissions” — groups who are pushing for the implementation of programs like “Plan NH”, “Sustainable Communities Initiatives”, and “Granite State Future”, programs that just seemed to pop up out of nowhere and have funding from the EPA/HUD/DOT, here’s proof.

The UN's Plan to Rule Your Life

From the Dent County Commissioners in Missouri, we have a portion of their letter of rejection to Missouri’s regional planners…

“This Sustainable Development Program of HUD, DOT, and EPA is directly, and irrefutably connected with the United Nations Agenda 21. Both President Bill Clinton and most recently President Barack Obama have signed Executive Orders directing all agencies of the Federal Government to work with state and local community governments in a joint effort to “reinvent” government using the guidelines outlined in the United Nations Agenda 21. The tenets of Agenda 21 undermine private property rights and propose extreme environmental, social, economic and educational policies to be implemented worldwide by National, State and Local governing bodies through the use of Sustainable Development planning, programs and policies.”

Here you see the claims of Dent County supported with text that came straight from US State Dept documents:

“Good governance at all levels is critical to our ability to make good on our Agenda 21 commitments. While national governments will make the political commitments, we rely upon regional and local governments to implement new policies in the context of local situations, to enforce environmental regulations, to innovate and adapt solutions that will succeed in unique environmental, social, and political realities. Some of the most creative solutions to our sustainable development challenges are emerging in the U.S. from our state, regional and local governments. We should encourage communities to do integrated planning, to develop sustainability plans and a local Agenda 21.” and “We can identify and leverage solutions to improve access to water, sanitation, food, and energy that will help us to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.”

~ Objectives of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development: (paragraph 5)


~ Sustainable Development for the Next Twenty Years–United States Views on Rio+20:

~ High Level Dialogue on the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development: (pay particular attention to paragraphs 1-4-5-6-11)

From the Smart Growth America website we find a plethora of non-elected NGO groups, mentioned as part of the effort in influencing government to go along with sustainability programs:

National Associations Congratulate HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Awardees

“WASHINGTON, DC – The National League of Cities (NLC), National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), Smart Growth America (SGA), the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA (ICLEI) congratulate the cities, towns, communities and regions which today were awarded Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These communities will now undertake critical regional planning and implementation activities that support building sustainable, livable communities through regional cooperation, broad stakeholder and community involvement and coordinated processes. The organizations also offer gratitude to HUD and the other federal agencies involved for undertaking an inaugural and historic process that will yield results for years to come.


“To continue progress towards sustainable development and maximize the effectiveness of local innovation, NLC, NARC, SGA, n4a and ICLEI urge Congress and the Administration to continue to adequately fund these grant opportunities. Congress should enact the Livable Communities Act (S.1619/H.R.4690) to allow HUD to provide the necessary support to local communities for regional planning and implementation of multi-benefit projects that help cut traffic congestion; reduce greenhouse gas emissions and oil consumption; protect rural areas and green spaces; revitalize existing Main Streets and urban centers; and, create more affordable housing. The organizations also support increased and sustained funding through federal appropriations and budget processes to further incent and expand these opportunities throughout the country.”

The money comes from the federal government but the ideas and quasi-mandates come from the UN and “local” organizations they have created to implement these ideas. One such organization is ICLEI. (pronounced ‘ick-lee’)

From ICLEI’s website…

“ICLEI was founded in 1990 as the ‘International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives’. The Council was established when more than 200 local governments from 43 countries convened at our inaugural conference, the World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future, at the United Nations in New York.”

What is so objectionable about all of the above is, unelected commissions are imposing internationally conceived ideas, none of which came from the grassroots. Compact housing, commuter rails, and other schemes may not even be needed in the eyes of the users, but in the eyes of the central planners are essential to maintaining control over the population.

It is understandable why some who have seen some of the documents we have provided that came straight from our NH regional planners, (such as 2012-2013 Legislative Policies and Priorities) fear that these proposals to count and measure everything (miles driven, emissions, water intake, septic output, etc) could only mean that they intend eventually to tax and regulate everything.

According to expert Rosa Koire of and the, “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, and all human beings in the world.”

To those who have lived under Soviet-style central planning, a system that failed everywhere it was tried, Agenda 21 is exactly one and the same. Listen to a man who lived under this system in Rumania… speaking at a public forum put on by proponents of Plan Bay Area in Santa Rosa….

“Thank you so much for giving me a chance to express my views. First of all, I want to mention my background. I was born and raised in a Marxist country: Republic of Socialist Rumania, southeastern Europe.

I just want to mention what happened to Germany having been split into two different countries under two different managements. Basically the East Germans — after forty years of central planning, which is what you’re doing right now — they ended up without food, and [with] dirty roads and polluted lakes, and all the bad things you may have seen if you traveled in Eastern Europe.

So it’s very interesting for me — a person who was born and raised and heard this kind of rhetoric all the time — to speak with Americans (who were born and raised here) and they’re courting these kind of ideas, thinking this is something new [and are saying] “it’s great, it’s just amazing…”…

So my question to you is: If you compare the central planners in East Germany with the free-market in West Germany, can’t you see the benefit of air quality and jobs, and quality of life, and education, and prosperity versus a dump hole?

I want to say this at the outset, because this is not just a matter of money and economy. Ukraine for instance, I’m going to give you an example, has become the capital of prostitution in Europe. Ukraine has a border with Rumania. I just want to tell you that I really doubt the Bolshevik — their Bolshevik grandparents — would have accepted this kind of system of management you are pushing for if they knew their grandchildren would be sold in the street to put bread on the table. I want you to think about that.”

From audience: Aren’t we headed that way?

“There is no question [the U.S. is headed that way]. And the interesting part is that I don’t think you guys are bad people because my Dad was a believer, Marxist, an ideologue. He never benefited from it. He could have come here, but he decided he was going to build a fair Marxist society in Rumania. Forty years later he doesn’t believe in that anymore. The country is completely de-industrialized. There is nothing produced anymore. It’s following Greece and Spain. I just want to give you a little bit of heads up.

The interesting part is that when I speak with Americans . . . everyone thinks this country is actually capitalist . . . But capitalism doesn’t exist here. There is no such thing as redistribution of wealth — this degree of central planning — in a capitalist society. This is Marxist, folks. The redistribution of wealth is definitely the core fundamental of Marxism. You guys are doing what has been done and what failed on all continents. And you’re bring it here.

Another point I wanted to make: I’m not seeing enemies in you because my own family was like that. I know so many people that had all the greatest intentions; they had these ideals. And I just want to give you a heads up that it has failed everywhere else. This is not something you want to bring here. We have tried this, let’s say for the last 50 years, incrementally . . . and what we see right now: 46 million Americans are unable to put food on their tables. They are on food stamps.

The more government is trying to get involved and fix problems, the more they end up segregating the society, creating tensions between people, and neighbors, and corporations. They create poverty; they send jobs over the seas. Things are not going better. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to know that this country is going down the drain.

Basically right now, America is competitive at what? Hollywood? Military export? And what else? What is America competitive anymore doing today? Not very much. So anyway, things are going very poorly.

Now I want to get to the specific things.”

[Facilitator tries to cut off the speaker.]

“. . . it is very important to think about the big picture, not just the nuts and bolts of things. The first issue: you mention that one of the reasons you’re doing this is to help poor people. First of all, you never help poor people — in this case it would be mostly Hispanics and Blacks because they are the ones who are hurting the most — you’re not helping them by creating projects where you are segregating them from society where the schools are running down and so on. Government has tried that; they all have failed. They are full of drugs; things don’t work out. So segregation is not a good idea.

Second point: If you want to help people, making life more affordable, first of all you have to create an environment where people can buy a piece of land and build a home and accomplish this as affordable as possible. How much does a house cost in California? How much does it cost in Georgia? I have friends that have moved to the state of Washington and to the state of Georgia because they could not afford to live here anymore. But you drive around here and you’re going to see that California has plenty of land.

The United States is not a little island where we are forced to go on the vertical. We have so much land that God forbid if your car breaks down in the middle of the road somewhere because you are going to be extremely far from anywhere you can get some help. So we have plenty of land. And if we didn’t have these restrictive laws you guys are concocting and pushing on us, we could easily build a home here.

I am a construction worker; I’m an electrician. I can build a house for you for under $150,000, on half an acre, three bedroom with everything you want on it. So why should an apartment or a condo cost $400,000 – $500,000, and if you get a loan on it you’re going to pay three times that amount: 1.5 million dollars. Right?

So are you really helping people when you’re saying you’re creating 3, 4, 5 story buildings and putting them on top of each other? How are they going to raise a family if they won’t have a tree or a little backyard to put a swing for their kids? It’s not human, it’s not natural. It’s not organic.”

[Facilitator tries to cut off the speaker.]

Speaker: “Let me go down [my list] please.”

Facilitator:… “We can come back to you, I promise.” Audience members:… “Let him continue”.

“My main point, my next point: I want to talk about the liability of government investment — all these organizations that are paid by the taxpayers. You could not back up your own decisions. You are simply not responsible. If you screw up any amount of money, no one can come after you and say, “You are personal[ly] liable for it.” This is nothing new. The government of the United States, the government of Israel and other governments have tried to get in mingling with or combining with private corporations. When things go under the water, the investors couldn’t sue. You can sue some private company, you can sue people who have some assets and find them liable. You can’t sue the government — the taxpayers can’t sue the taxpayers. . . . So my point is: you should never have government invest this kind of money and make this kind of decisions because you guys simply have nothing to back it up. If you screw up, you’re not liable. You make the mistakes and we get the consequences? Does that make any sense to you?”

[Time stamp 1:42:10: Facilitator stops speaker]

In another segment which is not transcribed here, [Time stamp 2:10:00 to 2:13:04] the woman in the tan jersey speaking says a graduate student from Mexico said Mexican students are being taught that in 2035 the borders will be open… and she suspects that this is where the population growth they ‘expect’ will come from (since most data points to our population waning rather than growing).

Of course the video wouldn’t be complete without the obligatory UN-denier at the 2:28:30 mark… who before that kept insisting that your choice of house size and location impacts the rest of society and therefore should be regulated.

Video on ICLEI:

Need more info? Please refer to this impeccably researched paper: Agenda 21 Bills

Books indoctrinating children: Rescue Mission – A Childrens’ Edition of Agenda 21 by Boutros Boutros Ghali

And if you can stand Glenn Beck, he talks about Gro Brundtland who coined the phrase ‘sustainable development’.

New Hampshire’s UNH Cooperative Extension Memorandum of Understanding for Carroll County