What is Regional Planning?

Regional planning is the stealth takeover of the country in the name of the environment…

Regional planning had come to NH, implemented federally by Obama’s Partnership for Sustainable Communities and locally through NGOs including the ICLEI in conjunction with a consortium of UNELECTED regional boards and environmental funds. Research shows that it is little more than a takeover of both metropolitan and rural sites via heavy-handed planning techniques and deep connections to Rockefeller/UN interests.

How it is happening in Texas… and about the report by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton…

Here is just the report without the commentary before it….

In NH, regional planning commissions of unelected bureaucrats are trying to get your town to sign onto this Granite State Future program, funded by the Feds. It is imperative you attend these meetings to find out what your town is going to do, especially if it is without a vote and permission of the taxpayers.