CISPA, SOPA, Internet Kill Switch Looming

Our Internet is under assault by Big Government statists.

If you’re like most Americans, you take the speed, easy access, and relative privacy and anonymity of the Internet for granted.

But, thanks to the menacing schemes of out-of-control government bureaucrats, all that could come to a crashing halt.

The Internet and associated technology have revolutionized communication and created entire industries and millions of new jobs over the past 20 years.

The iPhone App alone has created more than half-a-million jobs in the United States just since 2007.

But while free Americans are using the technological revolution for good, statists have conjured up more sinister uses.

Just imagine government bureaucrats armed with whatever they want to know about you right at their fingertips.

What you read. What you watch. What you buy. What you say. Who you talk to.

Imagine it all being tied into an intricate network combining your Internet use, your credit card purchases, your tax records, your health records . . .

Imagine the Internet — and with it, the entire technological revolution — SHUT DOWN with a ball of higher taxes, government snooping, and bureaucratic red tape.

And just consider the torrent of massive new regulatory schemes in Congress, including:

*** The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), which would gut privacy laws and allow Internet providers and websites to hand over personal data to ANY agency in the federal government;

*** Internet Sales Taxes designed to hike the price of goods sold over the Internet;

*** The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), which would give the government the power to shut down any website simply because someone made the “allegation” there was a copyright violation;

*** The Internet “Kill Switch,” which would allow the President to shut down the entire Internet at a moment’s notice.

Already, the FCC – which is supposed to assign spectrum rights through transparent, market-based auctions – is using its power to shackle new competition by REFUSING to perform its job.

Spectrum is the invisible airwaves that mobile devices, broadcast television, and FM radio use to communicate.

Private ownership of spectrum is forbidden by government.

And since government controls the rights, the FCC gets to pick the winners and the losers – denying marketplace entry on a whim and effectively creating the largest corporate welfare program in history!

That’s not even the half of it.

In just a few months, the United Nations is meeting to come up with even more recommendations for Internet regulations on a GLOBAL scale!

Liberty Activist, these are not fights you and I can afford to lose.

But without lightning-fast response by you and me to these fights going on RIGHT NOW, I’m afraid our government will whittle away Internet speed, access, and privacy down to virtually nothing.

And with it, strike a death blow to our liberty movement.

After all, the Internet has been a critical tool in rallying more and more Americans to our cause over these past few years.

NHTPC asks: will you sign Campaign for Liberty’s INTERNET FREEDOM MANIFESTO?

By signing on, you’ll help show Congress just how many Americans are opposed to these radical schemes.

Once you sign the INTERNET FREEDOM MANIFESTO, I’ll make sure you’re added to a grassroots army of patriots nationwide who receive special Internet-related legislative updates.

You see, the statists in Washington, D.C. aren’t pushing just one massive bill that you and I can mobilize against, defeat, and then stop worrying about.

You and I are going to have to stay on guard until we send the message to every Representative and Senator that if they vote to regulate, tax, or spy on us via the Internet, THEY’LL LOSE THEIR JOBS.

As the Manifesto says:

“As a Member of Congress, you are being put on notice.

“Those who would seek increased taxes and regulations on the Internet and seek to further destroy online privacy and anonymity will pay a severe political price at the polls.”

And with fights raging in Congress, the sooner you and I send this message, the better.

Campaign for Liberty is trying to reach 100,000 signatures in the next 30 days.

There are several fights already going on in Congress. More pop up seemingly by the week.

So there’s no time to waste.
Please sign, even if you don’t want to donate to C4L…