In Response to NH Labor News on HB 1403

We found some glaring misinformation regarding The International Baccalaureate Programme as it pertains to the bill HB 1403 at the NH Labor News website. Since they do not provide a contact email on their website, we will respond here.

NHTPC quoted on NH Labor News

NHTPC was quoted about the purpose of IB. Please note that our IB writer is a teacher with 35 years experience and understands fully what is going on in today’s classrooms even without the influence of the IB program, for which our tax dollars are spent and sent to Geneva to the (The IBO clearly states it desire to have influence beyond its own classrooms and into the non-IB classrooms and the community as well — per its own literature.) The writer also understands the various teaching methods that IB employs, because the writer has been trained in them and has used them. The writer has researched IB for about 7 years and understands the tone and content of the lessons — their purpose is clearly laid out at IB’s own website.

NH Labor News Doesn’t Quite Have the Facts

NHLN claims that “…IB is an elective enrichment curriculum, not something all children in a school must take” — which is not true. It is intended as a complete program and although it is currently elective as an alternative to AP at Bedford High School, it WILL be mandatory for all students at MVSD as they plan to implement it district-wide as the ONLY choice. It is already in the primary grades (PYP) and will soon be if not already, implemented in the middle grades (MYP) and finally at the secondary level.

NHLN also claims that “Both are successful and highly popular.” Once again, there are no studies to suggest success of any IB program, anywhere in America, least of all in NH where it has only been used for a few years. As for IB’s “popularity”, this would also be hard to gauge. When MVSD parents and taxpayers were asked about the program, about 99% responded that they had no idea it was bought and/or being implemented.

Why Did MVSD Deny Doing What is a Basic Requirement of the Program?

Each child in MVSD is forced to be part of the ‘values’ check routinely done every two weeks as part of the program. IB is not a curriculum but a framework for the context in which all subjects MUST be taught. For example, instead of just studying the properties of water for science, and doing experiments with water, children are often asked to take action on water shortages in a foreign country and are commended for doing so. (We have photos from a grade two and grade three classroom showing what goes on in IB) Another example of the objectionable nature of IB is having basic subjects like math literally ignored in favor of concentration on a list of behavioral attributes (such as communication and ‘risk taking’).

HB 1403 Gives Parents a Choice

HB 1403 was filed on behalf of taxpayers who object to paying their tax dollars to a foreign country, and parents who object to their children being schooled in the UN’s ‘values’ as well as being encouraged to be activists — political mules for issues of global importance — to the UN.

MVSD officials, including a principal and the superintendent, were in the presence of the curriculum committee when they lied to parents and Reps and told them they were NOT going to sign the IB’s ‘mission statement’ (a requirement) and told them they would NOT be using ANY of IB’s materials. The group refused to explain just what it was then, that the school was actually buying? They closed the conversation quickly when it became apparent that this was the burning question.

The decision to implement the IB program was the desire of the school officials alone, and was not demanded by the constituents. We repeat, 99% of the taxpayers and parents contacted had no idea it was even being used. This is another violation of the rule that parents and the community must approve in order for a school to complete the process of becoming associated with the IBO.

To get a more valid picture of what this program is about, please visit