Remembering the MIAC Report

We’ve talked before about the MIAC Report which outlined for government officials the preferences, behavior, and appearance of those who could be considered possible ‘terrorists’.

The Southern Poverty Law Center helped Missouri officials compile the report which explains the bias contained within. The SPLC is considered to be a ‘terrorist’ group by many mainstream Americans.

Acccording to the Washington Post, “The FBI is building a database with the names and certain personal information, such as employment history, of thousands of U.S. citizens and residents whom a local police officer or a fellow citizen believed to be acting suspiciously. It is accessible to an increasing number of local law enforcement and military criminal investigators, increasing concerns that it could somehow end up in the public domain.”

Indeed we saw many men dressed in black clothing standing atop the parking garage across the street from the park, taking photographs of each and every one of our tea party leaders at our Manchester 2009 April 15 event, which drew over 4,000 people.

Within this current article which revives the issue of MIAC, is contained a list of attributes which may signal that you are a terrorist. We have added in italics a comment about each.

– Displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties (Quite normal under free speech, many of us in the tea party do, and this listing indicates bias toward us)

– Supporting Congressman Ron Paul (Ron Paul has enjoyed increasing support among constitution-minded voters and this scares them because he is one of the few politicians not bought and sold by the establishment)

– Supporting former presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin (Not sure if anyone we know supported Chuck, but Chuck is as upstanding a citizen as you will find.)

– Supporting former Congressman Bob Barr (Not sure if anyone we know supported Bob, but Bob is as upstanding a citizen as you will find.)

– Opposing the implementation of a North American Union (Any citizen who cares about national sovereignty independence, and rule of law under our own Constitution and doesn’t believe that Mexico and Canada have the right to ‘merge’ with us or nullify our sovereign laws has the right to oppose the NAU as the tea party certainly does)

– Owning gold bullion (Anyone who has savings and doesn’t own gold is foolish…)

– Displaying historical U.S. flags (The Gadsden and other historical flags are used to display support for the founding of this country and as a show of patriotism – it’s a source a pride not a symbol of terror..)

– Opposing abortion (Everyone’s right — under protection of “LIFE” liberty and the pursuit of happiness.)

– Talking about the documentary Zeitgeist (Apparently MIAC didn’t research this very well and has grouped it in with conservative attributes because it’s a mostly LEFT-WING document which promotes the one world order so most tea partiers would never talk about even if they know what it is.)

According to an earlier document issued by the Joint Terrorism Task Force (page 1page 2), the following behaviors, actions or interests are also signs of terrorism.

– Being interested in animal rights (I can’t say PETA isn’t violent — but most conservatives, while kind to animals, would never join such a group)

– Being a “lone individual” (Some of us are alone by choice, or perhaps not… )

– Making numerous references to the U.S. Constitution (And why not since it is the law of the land that these enforcers seem to have forgotten in favor of socialist and overreaching government)

– Defending the U.S. Constitution (And why not since it is in great need of being defended in this day and age)

– Claiming driving is a right, not a privilege (We have heard of this but don’t know too many who are proponents of it.)

– Refusing to identify yourself to an authority figure (see above)

– Attempting to monitor the actions of police (This is also allowable under the law — any actions taken in public by police are allowed to be recorded it was just decided in a NH court)

– Being bald (Don’t know what to say about this! Can’t see the correlation to terrorism – we have never seen a known terrorist who is bald as a matter of fact.)

Under the terms of a A Texas Department of Public Safety Criminal Law Enforcement pamphlet, the following behaviors, actions or interests are also signs of terrorism.

– Being a “nice guy” (Another baffling correlation!)

– Wearing Levi jeans (Another baffling correlation!)

– Communicating predominantly by cell phone, email or text message (Another baffling correlation!)

– Looking “normal” in appearance (Another baffling correlation!)

– Renting a car (Another baffling correlation!)

– Staying in a hotel or apartment (Another baffling correlation!)

– Renting a storage facility (Another baffling correlation!)

– Using cash to make large purchases (Another baffling correlation!)

– Using pre-paid cellphones or hand-held radios (Another baffling correlation!)

– Owning large amounts of medicines, alcohol, or baby formula (If you have a well-stocked bar, are very sick, or you have a lot of babies, what then?)

– Gaining support for a cause by holding meetings, public rallies, or demonstrations (Here is where the tea party fits in nicely… doing what they are allowed under free speech laws, and without having broken ANY laws in the four years (12/16/2007) of its existence)

– Gaining support for a cause by using websites, posters, leaflets, or underground press publications (Here is where the tea party fits in nicely… doing what they are allowed under free speech laws, and without having broken ANY laws in the four years (12/16/2007) of its existence)

– Possessing a photo-copy of your drivers license, passport, social security card or birth certificate (Huh?)

– Possessing or purchasing GPS technology (Double Huh?)

– Walking, biking or driving near “potential targets” (Double Huh?)

– Taking photographs of “potential targets,” including bridges, power plants or government buildings (Double Huh?)

Under the terms of a Virginia training manual used to help state employees recognize terrorists, the following behaviors, actions or interests are also signs of terrorism.

– Being a property-rights activist (Why is this so unusual? This is necessary as our property is being taken from us more and more these days… whether it be local officials trying to seize your water well or public property being deemed owned by ‘international’ NGOs)

– Trying to influence government or social policy (Double Huh? Tea Party will continue to do this regardless!)

– Undermining confidence in the government (Shame on us. The same government who lost our pensions, SS, and can’t run the PO? )

– Using a sketch pad, camera, map, binoculars or scuba equipment (Watch out all you artists and hikers!)

According to the article, “Former FBI agent Michael German correctly identifies the fact that the “Monitoring America” program has more to do with discouraging Americans from engaging in any kind of dissent than it does with catching real terrorists.”

Who knew.