Disrupters Hassle Speaker O’Brien in Lyndeborough

Report from the field:

Award winning Speaker of the House Bill O’Brien met with some citizens of NH in Lyndeborough. It was a public meeting and all interested parties were invited.

Liberal activists showed up from all over the state. Some even came from out of state with the purpose of disrupting the meeting.

They would “ask questions” which mostly involved rants about social issues, funding cuts to various social programs, and the attempt to pass voter ID bill. Speaker O’Brien did an adept job answering their questions but it was rare that these liberal activists would stop yelling and let him speak.

Interesting to note is that when Speaker O’Brien explained things like, “We are out of money,” nobody argued with it. The disrupters couldn’t really dispute such facts. So instead, they choose to ignore them, not address them, and insist that it was wrong to cut one thing or another.

It came as no surprise to our attendee that these disrupters were like spoiled children, they wanted what they wanted with no regard for reality, and if they didn’t get what they wanted, they would resort to throwing this kind of temper tantrum at a public meeting. This is what is happening with the current individuals perpetrating mayhem in our streets, sponsored by the usual left wing sources.

We are proud of Speaker O’Brien who stuck to his guns and gave an honest appraisal of the situation while explaining the real solutions that our state legislature has undertaken to correct.