International Baccalaureate – How to Raise Idiots

IB PYP – How to Raise Idiots
by Lisa McLoughlin

American parents currently confronted with IB PYP takeover of their public elementary schools are questioning the value of this very expensive, schoolwide “programme”, as well they should. Take a look at these three You Tube videos “celebrating” the PYP.

In the first, two little boys sitting by themselves at a coffee table in front of a disgusting mess which is supposed to be their dinner supposedly ask, “Where do vegetables come from?” Why they would ask that when there is nothing that appears to be a vegetable mixed in with the slop is beyond us, but let’s assume they do. Where is Mom? Where is Dad? Don’t they have a garden? Have they never visited a farm? Who prepared the food for them? They have a Mac laptop for goodness sake …. but they probably don’t know how to spell v-e-g-e-t-a-b-l-e so they can’t find the answer to their question there. So, these two little boys set off on their own sans any adult supervision and wander into a filthy restaurant kitchen, grocery store and off to a farm to learn the answer to their question. Note the emphasis on the importance of water (Agenda 21) and the primitive farming tools displayed. This is how IB uses constructivism – eliminate any and all family values and influence, waste precious time and encourage children to put themselves in potentially dangerous situations.

In the second video, the children sing of “a flame burning in the night, beckoning the fight for birth, for death, for life ….. one earth, one sky, one sea”. Does that make sense to you? How does beckoning the fight for death create harmony and peace? This is a disgusting abuse of little children and TAIB would love to find someone who could actually interpret all of the other non-English words in that indoctrination chant to know what they mean.

In the third video, we learn what a collaborative PYP classroom should like like. God help the child with ADD! What a mess! Just looking around that room with the hundreds of post-it notes and IB “commands” to take action and perform service made this adult feel anxious and confused. This room is absolute chaos! The video tells us we should “hear an excited hum”, yet do you see a smile on a single child in this classroom?

This junk “youth service” program must be kicked out of American public schools pronto! Wake up parents!

Take ACTION and kick this UN indoctrination to the curb!

In the first video, the children go on a wild goosechase just to learn where vegetables come from…

In this second video, you can see the indoctrination as the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT is the pervasive theme…

And in this one, the constructivist/collaborative method where kids are on their own and not guided by teachers, is used to promote internationlist views and not skills. Attitudes are what counts here, because this is a political indoctrination program not an academic one.

How can Americans not find this use of their tax dollars DISGUSTING???