Left Tries to Shift Blame But Big Gov’t is Culprit

The left wing is trying to shift the blame away from the bad Boehner deal and Obama to the tea party and even Standard and Poor, but as usual, it is big government spending that is and has been the culprit responsible for our downgrade after this debt crisis debacle.

As one of our tea partiers put it so aptly:

“I have been pounding the drum of our devaluing dollar for months — here is some news. As of November 8,2010 gold was $1407.00 per ounce this morning August 8th gold is up to $1707.00 per ounce.

Stocks dumped 8% last week after our government saved us by signing a bad deal we warned them not to do. This morning stock futures are down another 230 plus points which is about 2%.

We have only had one credit rating company downgrade our nation’s credit, others will probably be forced to follow.

Our president has the right to issue IOU’s to the nations that store their gold in America. This confiscation can also be done here at home with our gold. FDR did this in the “great depression.”

If this happens Europe won’t be happy as they are trying to save their own economies and if we confiscate their gold, well we can only imagine. There have been some reports this could happen.

Food and fuel as well as everything else we buy is going to go up so do what you can now before our dollar drops further.

This is no small deal, at this point some of the dominoes are falling and all of the lies in the world won’t prop them up or change reality.

Be careful as well as prayerful what to do with your personal finance. Go with your “gut” feeling not what you hear by the talking heads. They were the ones saying the world would collapse without the bad deal our government just put in place.”