Brainwashing, the Tea Party, and the Credibility of the S&P

Ask any mind-numbed media victim today and they will assure you that the Tea Party, a movement which started in 2007 as a reaction to Bush’s TARP, is at fault for the drop in the stock market, the drop in our AAA+ rating, and even the national debt…

Parroting this abject nonsense that the Tea Party is responsible for the downgrade has to be most ignorant thing we’ve heard to date. The Tea Party movement only started in 2007 but those who control our government have been employing policies that head us toward bankruptcy for years.

No matter to them that the tea party neither had a hand in, nor approved of, the Boehner legislation.

Since when is calling for fiscal sanity – insanity? Are we that dumb to believe that we can keep spending beyond our means? For the first time in history, future generations of Americans will have a poorer standard of living than what we have currently. It’s happening under our watch. And, those with the courage to say enough is enough are made out to be crazies. Shades of the USSR – when the truth was told, people were made out to be crazy!

In answer to the charge that S&P’s downgrade has no credibility, it might be conceded that this is true in some ways, but why? Let’s analyze further…

The country is spending money beyond its ability to pay it back. The federal government’s insatiable spending appetite leads it to keep issuing bonds. In fact, for every dollar it spends, it has to borrow 40 cents, mostly from China. It sells bonds to China. But, China doesn’t like the low rates of interest we pay. So, in return, we sweeten the pot with trade and load up entire industries on ships and send them to China at the expense of U.S. jobs – fueling the recession. And, we keep spending because the special interests (billionaire’s club) want to fight their wars, using imperialism and hegemony to usurp the economic resources of the world (for their new world order and one world government). And, the debt threatens obligations to the American people (such as Social Security). So, establishment elites like Alan Greenspan (the creep who brought us stock derivatives which almost destroyed Wall Street two years ago) call for the printing of more money – more money equals dollar devaluation which kills those on fixed incomes! And, the only group that has the guts to stand up and say, “enough is enough, let’s get out fiscal house in order and stop the spending” – the Tea Party- is vilified in the media and its supporters made out to be crazy.

The truth is a bit convoluted but not hard to find if you bear with me. See if you can follow it. Could it be true that the S&P is merely part of the establishment looking to overspend and put America into a receivership? (The goal of George Soros…)

Those who are willing to defend Obama and his elitist manipulators are now questioning the credibility of S&P because it casts a bad light on this administration. Standard & Poor, the bond-rating firm whose job it is is to warn investors of lousy bond issues, has just downgraded America’s bond rating in reaction to the PERCEPTION that the tea party somehow got a great deal out of this legislation and was therefore the cause of the stock market tanking. The truth? The tea party did not approve of the deal because it does not cut spending enough and still allows more debt. Some Reps voted for it because they say it’s a ‘start’. (Our delegation in NH did, except for Ayotte who saw through this, but the others are having a tough time explaining it to their constituents) But the tea party was not happy with that decision.

We can only conclude that the S&P is part of the establishment, complicit in the perception that they are doing good for the country while in fact covering up for those who would bankrupt it.

The recent action by S&P feeds off the public’s misperception that the Tea Party got its way and that this it what caused the subsequent downgrade and therefore, the Tea Party is now responsible for this debt crisis.

This begs the question: Where was the S&P during the Fannie/Freddie debacle? Why do Fannie and Freddie still have AAA+ ratings? Is this to protect Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Maxine Waters from their insistence that those institutions were financially sound even though they were lending money to people they KNEW could never pay it back?

So when you accuse the S&P of no credibility, you might be right. It still does not add up to the Tea Party’s fault in the downgrade. The S&P does what it wants to do, apparently didn’t care about Fannie and Freddie. Could it be that the S&P is part of the moneyed elite’s plan…?

So, when you question the credibility of the S&P you are not far from the truth… but keep digging… it’s a world of smoke and mirrors we live in, but somehow that truth will prevail.

The accusation that the Tea Party was responsible for the downgrade is the most ludicrous spin ever to come from the White House’s minions in the Center for American Progress, a group that writes Obama’s legislation. Note that this group is funded by none other than his main supporter and king of astroturf George Soros, wealthy elitist and criminal who just picked up a cool Billion on the stock market’s crash.

Our economic policies were designed to create an integrated global economy – at the expense of the American people – national suicide, destroying the middle class. It’s by design that our economy is collapsing – to lower the standard of living of Americans to the global average. All attempts to restart the economy won’t be successful until we reverse course on the socialist redistribution of wealth designed into international trade agreements.

America must be devalued and that will continue to be done by the global redistributionists and elites… while those culprits continue using the media to blame the very people who are trying to stop it.