Group Plans Anti-Romney Ads in NH

A group called “Western Representation PAC/We the People” is planning to run anti-Romney ads in NH. Their website is and they have sent out emails soliciting support for this effort.

On their welcome page is a message from their Chairman Joe Miller, an attorney who challenged Senator Lisa Murkowski in Alaska for US Senate with help from this PAC. The PAC also has supported candidates in other states.

On the group’s donation page it states:

“We need a real Conservative leader as President, not another flip-flopper. Lend your voice to the fight to nominate a real Conservative.

* In order to beat Barack Obama in 2012, we need real Conservative leadership

* Mitt Romney’s flip-flops, lies, and support of the progressive agenda undermine his credibility on Conservative issues

* Mitt Romney brought us RomneyCare, donated to Planned Parenthood, and as governor oversaw the most anemic job growth in the Northeast. Now, he says he wants to repeal ObamaCare, is adamantly pro-life, and wants to oversee the country’s economy.”

While left-wing groups often complain that outside money is influencing NH elections and issues, it is not uncommon for their candidates to take money from out of state. For example, in 2010 NH Governor Lynch had special meetings with and took money from multimillionaire activist Tim Gill to ensure the passage of the gay marriage bill, even after Lynch had campaigned for just the opposite. Even those in the movement who agree with the gay marriage bill cited this as a flip-flop of Lynch’s and that his 180 degree turnabout was most certainly influenced by the influx of this money.