NH Reps Must Override Veto on Voter Fraud

Governor Lynch has vetoed a bill that would require a simple photo ID w/residency confirmation for those wishing to vote in NH elections. But some NH Reps must be convinced that the problem does indeed exist. Fact is that reams of information about potential fraud that has been submitted to the AG’s office over the years has been largely ignored.

Ed Naile is the Chairman of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers, a group that keeps track of incidents of possible or blatant voter fraud and submits it to the AG’s office. He states in this article that…

“Supervisors of the Checklist from several municipalities testified that they had attempted to turn non-resident voters in to the authorities only to rebuffed so many times they gave up.”

Some examples of fraud…

– A citizen of Canada voted twice in Greenfield NH
– 1700 Students wrote a letter to the AG apologizing for having voted when they should not have
– 19 people in an ACORN-type group used a non-existent state park address to vote
– campaign worker from Mass showed a Mass license in Manchester Ward 3 and was allowed to vote
– Geoff Wetrosky campaign worker for John Kerry/Bob Baines, came from S Dakota, voted in Manchester, and then returned to S Dakota
– exchange students from foreign countries are regularly encouraged to vote by their student advisors
– a NH resident found her name, and the name of her deceased husband, were already checked off as having voted when she attempted to vote
– Christopher Luke Fithian from Jackson, NH is one of the rare cases that was actually prosecuted successfully

CNHT’s blog contains a category on Voter Fraud here: http://www.cnht.org/news/category/vote-fraud/ But that is not the end of it. They have much more information in hard copy that you can see if you attend one of their monthly meetings, second Saturdays.

Find out where YOUR REPS stand and ask them to support the OVERRIDE.

Related: VOTER ID: Governor Lynch Vetoes Integrity and Honesty by Rick Olson, Jr