Reverend Jackboot – The Religious Left?

by Steve MacDonald

The UCC peddles left wing advocacy as Christian morality. They are a prominent member of the National Council of Churches (NCC), which used to (inconveniently) be a Communist front group, the Federal Council of Churches; inconvenient because they share a similar “social agenda” with the socialists and communists, and use the same language and tactics to advance very similar statist goals.

So Reverend Gary and his like minded social justice brethren  just want to make socialist-wealth redistribution look pious, and as long as their invocations advocate the manifold of left wing agenda items, progressive talking points, socialist dogma and philosophy, and act on the left-wing ideological agenda as part of their “ministry,” Kathy Sullivan will not have to worry about bleeding out her eyes with rage over some Church meddling in temporal affairs.

And as touching and heartfelt as the Reverend’s editorial may seem, rather than encouraging the people to give of themselves to relieve mankind’s ills, through gifts to institutions far more well equipped, it seems he’d rather the government do it with the power of temporal law and bigger budgets, and if you object–the guns of government. An odd tack for a group that insists on the right to conscientiously object to war.

Hardly much faith in mankind there, and far too much faith in a leviathan government run by the same men and women they seem unwilling to trust to give freely; but not surprising coming from a left leaning Reverend who probably has tax exempt status. I can’t say for certain but raising your taxes probably wont cost him as much as it will cost you. But it’s all in the name of Justice.

Some UCC Issues:

Environmental Justice (Global warming alarmists)
Reproductive Justice (Killing unborn babies)
Worker Justice (Pro Public Union)
Health Care Justice (Wrong on so many levels..)
Conscientious Objection (No, just to war–nothing else)
Faithfully facing dying (Government sanctioned suicide)
Worker Justice (pro-union, pro socialist worker)