Lame Duck for Christmas

A new definition needs to be given to our understanding of a Lame Duck session. If a Republican administration is in power, do not pass anything of consequence. The definition changes if a Democrat administration is in power. Suddenly, it becomes an opportunity to shove down America’s throat every matter of unpopular mandate with the premeditation one would assign to a used car salesman trying to sell a lemon to an unsuspecting customer. (Apologies to used car salesmen.)

We saw it last December when the house passed Obamacare a couple of days before Christmas as a “gift to the American people”. This year however, many of those still passing critical legislation this late in the political season were defeated last November and are using the Lame Duck session as their last hurray to pass anything and everything they neglected to address prior to the election. After all, its Christmas, no one is paying attention… Disrespectful politicians have now highjacked the holiday season in a game of smoking mirrors focused in getting their agenda through, the wishes of the American people be dammed.

One legislation after another from a $1.3 trillion dollar Omnibus Bill to an unvetted treaty with Russia, to removing Don’t Ask Don’t tell against the advice of military leaders in the field, while spineless Republicans stood by and watched. Again, it’s Christmas so let’s not bother the little people with unnecessary details, we the politicians know best.

It’s up to us, the people of the liberty movement, to repeal as much of the Democrat agenda as possible. The future of our country hangs in the balance and we can not play the games those in DC are so used to playing anymore. Our guys going to congress next year need to learn this, no more “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” or “I’ll give you this if you let me have that”.

We need to work against a philosophy focused on bringing down the US. What kind of compromise is possible with people who are against the welfare of the country? We need to become the watchmen on the wall and hold congress to account. We can not rest or disconnect; we only won a battle, not the war. Let’s stay engaged in 2011, the future of the country depends on this.