Browsing » December 2010

Why UN Education is WRONG FOR NH

Tweet Our hero, Ann Marie Banfield, speaking to the Bedford NH school board about the UN agenda that runs many of our schools… About the book Nickel and Dimed… From parents who objected to the book… Fretting over policy rather than principle… Terry Wolf has no intention of helping these parents! And more on IB […]

Open Letter to Senator McConnell and Others in Congress

Tweet Dear Senator McConnell: Republicans were given a second chance in November; not because they have been the party of Fiscal Restraint or Integrity…only because the Democratic socialists are far worse. That said, it is vitally important that the Republicans stand united, STOP reaching across the aisle, stop compromising, and come out with a strong […]

Glittering Generalities

Tweet GLITTERING GENERALITIES by Sarah Riggs Ibanez It is with abject negligence that great numbers of American citizens remain apathetic toward the current and unyielding trajectory away from the sacred laws of our land and into the open embrace of socialism. To those of us who realize the clandestine nature of what is before us, […]

Berwick and Sebelius sneak end-of-life counseling incentives in through regulation

Tweet Some say it would lead to rationing and one Dem Rep said it should be hushed up if it is to succeed. Republicanifi

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