Greg Johns Thanks NHTPC


I found your link and was happy to support Mr. Gordon Ellis’s views and rightly expressing them in the public square of ideas and beliefs. I applaud Mr Ellis for rightly opposing the Liberal Teachers Union that has been teaching revisionist history in America. Too many educators have been indoctrinated in the liberal training camps on Political Correctness and the teachings of Liberalism and Progressivism that is so ruining the foundational truths about our Constitutional Laws of Government.

There are as many and I would say more, proven by this last election, that stand on the side of Mr Ellis. On Tuesday when government schools open again I will call to support Mr Ellis’s reinstatement as Chairman on Epsom’s School board. He should make no apologies because he did nothing wrong except in the distorted prism of how Liberals view the world. I hear the rhetoric of Liberals using all the catch phrases and cliché’s that they are the believers in tolerance, equal rights, hate speech laws, Fairness Doctrine, gay rights, but bring up any public dissent and those beliefs are short lived by Liberals who themselves will do everything in their position of power to demonize you, call you a bigot, racist, hate speech, fear monger, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic.. to shut you down. The understanding is that if you can make up rules to define and control the speech than you can control the debate which is the antithesis of Freedom of Speech in the Public Square of ideas.

Mr Ellis was right in pointing out to our most vulnerable the truth and is an encouragement to all Americans who believe in limited government and the Republic this country was framed in. We all have family and friends that are Liberal in their thinking and we should not let that divide us but let the truth be told. Thank you for making a stand.

Greg Johns

Greg Johns is an American living in NH who still believes in the Constitution as our Sovereign rule of law and that we must stop the Political Correctness mentality that has marginalized any dissent in the public market place of ideas…