Browsing » September 2010

Young Communists Ready for Counterprotest

Tweet The Young Communist League has posted the details of an upcoming protest at the Capitol in DC. They start off with a description that bears no resemblance whatsoever to what Glenn Beck did on 8/28/2010. It reads: “When Glenn Beck turned out an estimated 87,000 (white) people to his “I have a nightmare” hate-a-palooza […]

Communists Sue Dems for Stealing Platform

Tweet At first I thought this was a joke, but it is not! Obama is a Marxist, and this is further proof. The People’s Cube has the story…

Coffee Party Loses Caffeine

Tweet Remember the Coffee Party Movement, another astroturf deal designed to dilute the tea party and become the alternative? Well you likely haven’t heard much about it because it’s fizzled badly. Watch the lamest rap song in history at their flopped ‘convention’… Read more…

Look Out for the Lame Duck

Tweet by Henry Lamb As the calendar rushes toward the November 2nd elections, prospects increase for a bloody “lame-duck” session. There is a laundry list of bills stacked up for passage that have not yet made it to the floor for a vote. After the elections, Democrats who lost will have nothing further to lose, […]

John Lynch Job Destroyer

Tweet by Steve MacDonald Governor Lynch and the left-o-crats are guilty of false advertising. He (and they) have framed John Lynch as a man who is good for the state, and a shining example of how best to ride out a recession. To support this claim they point to the states better than average unemployment […]

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