Protest Arne Duncan

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan will be in Manchester on Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 8:30 AM at the Bakersville Elementary School, 20 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03101

Arne Duncan is a member of the “Obama Regime”. He is the education “czar” cabinet member that attended Reverend Al Sharpton’s counter-rally against Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally. His office refused to answer questions that were posed to him regarding this issue from the Daily Caller.

This would be a good time to show Mr. Duncan we do not approve of federal interference in our local educational matters, and in fact, would like to see the whole Federal Department of Education abolished. We do NOT want education to be ‘nationalized’ especially not based on the dumbed-down standards and political agenda infused within them.

Here is the itinerary for his stop in Manchester:

8:30–10 AM
Teacher Leaders Roundtable Discussion
Bakersville Elementary School
20 Elm Street
Manchester, N.H. 03101

8:35–9:25 AM
Roundtable Discussion moderated by the Superintendent with teachers, community members, parents, and local school board members

9:40–9:58 AM
Media Availability