Why Secession is Not the Answer

Dr. Edwin Vieira is a frequent speaker at liberty events and has come to NH on numerous occasions to speak.

He has written this thoughtful piece on why states would not be able to fight global tyranny on their own if they were to secede from the union. His theory is that this would only aid and abet the ‘divide and conquer’ tactic that is currently what seems to be being used against us.

Baulking at the Enemy’s Plans


My question to Pastor Baldwin, though, is: “Divide and rule” being the globalists’ own strategy for bringing America down and setting the New World Order up, why should patriots assist them, through “secession” or in any other way? As Sun Tzu taught, “the highest form of generalship is to baulk the enemy’s plans”, not to accede to, let alone to aid and abet, them. See Sun Tzu on the Art of War, Lionel Giles translation (Shanghai, China, 1910), Chapter III, § 3, at 17.