Tax the Rain

Yes that’s what this bill would do — tax the rainwater that falls, and ultimately runs off, your home.

But that’s not all…

The Clean Water Restoration Act – S.787 not only would give rights to the Feds over every bit of water across the land, but it would cause cities and towns to impose draconian new taxes on many more such things.

The Union Leader has the story of the runoff tax, which is but ONE of the ramifications of this bill.

As we’ve reported before, “regardless of your politics this bill ought to scare you right along with health care reform, cap-and-trade, auto bailouts, and Wall Street takeovers. It is a dangerous bill that seeks to remove language from Section 502 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1362) to redefine what are legally considered U.S. Waters; waterways the federal government can regulate to fight pollution. Right now the code restricts government control to “navigable waterways”, but if the Senate bill passes and is merged with the House version, the federal government will have control over every drop of water in the country.”

The same blogger asks “The U.S. government now owns or controls nearly 40% of all the land in the country. Doesn’t that sound strange in a nation where private property rights have been codified in the Constitution? It does to me.”

People are angry they say, but we say, not angry enough. Where will this end?

Read more about how the Feds want your water and your land…