Sting Admits He Wants “Big Government”

Earth Day has a dirty secret…

Rock Star Sting and his wife Trudi, who have been criticized for admitting gross hypocrisy over their own huge carbon footprint, stated they wanted “big government” to solve climate change.

At the end of this video Sting even makes reference to “one world”.

Wow. We love Sting’s music but this kinda makes our stomach turn and makes us want to turn in our electric guitar.

There is more…

Related: Earth Day’s Dirty Secret

Earth Day was first conceived in part on Lenin’s birthday by 1970s hippie activist Ira Einhorn. After his dead girlfriend Holly Maddux’s mummified body was found stuffed in a trunk in a closet in his apartment, Einhorn fled to France. This reporter later helped the sisters of the Maddux family get justice in getting him extradited and convicted.

Each “Earth Day” memories of the brutal murder of Holly Maddux are a grim reminder of the violence of the perpetrators of the ‘green’ revolution.

Ira Einhorn: Earth Day's Dirty Secret

Ira Einhorn: Earth Day's Dirty Secret